SCons is “Community Choice” Project of the Month

December 5, 2014 Links No comments

The favorite tool of all Madagascar users, SCons, is featured as the December 2014 “Community Choice” Project of the Month at SourceForge.

SCons is a software construction tool (build tool, or make tool) implemented in Python, which uses Python scripts as “configuration files” for software builds. It is an easier, more reliable, and faster way to build software, solving a number of problems associated with other build tools, especially including the classic and ubiquitous make itself.
Distinctive features of SCons include: a modular design that lends itself to being embedded in other applications; a global view of all dependencies in the source tree; an improved model for parallel (“-j”) builds; automatic scanning of files for dependencies; use of MD5 signatures for deciding whether a file is up-to-date; use of Python functions or objects to build target files; and easy user extensibility.
A large number of open-source projects, companies, universities, and other scientific institutions use SCons as their build system, and are very happy with its stability and ease of maintenance. There are also several projects like Parts, PlatformIO, Madagascar, and FuDePAN, which use the SCons framework as a building block to provide highly specialized build environments to their users.

Back in 2006, when Madagascar became an open-source project, SourceForge was the dominant platform for such projects. Since then, it has remained a highly useful resource but has lost its popularity to GitHub.

Madagascar developers have not yet seen a compelling need to migrate the Madagascar repository from SourceForge to GitHub or to switch from Subversion (SVN) to Git, but will keep all options open.


December 3, 2014 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
The time and space formulation of azimuth moveout

Azimuth moveout (AMO) transforms 3-D prestack seismic data from one common azimuth and offset to different azimuths and offsets. AMO in the time-space domain is represented by a three-dimensional integral operator. The operator components are the summation path, the weighting function, and the aperture. To determine the summation path and the weighting function, we derive the AMO operator by cascading dip moveout (DMO) and inverse DMO for different azimuths in the time-space domain. To evaluate the aperture, we apply a geometric approach, defining AMO as the result of cascading prestack migration (inversion) and modeling. The aperture limitations provide a consistent description of AMO for small azimuth rotations (including zero) and justify the economic efficiency of the method.

Program of the month: sfbin

December 1, 2014 Programs No comments

sfbin bins traces with irregular spatial sampling to a regularly sampled 3-D cube.

The following example from sep/precon/cube shows the output of binning a common-offset seismic cube which corresponds to the following distribution of common midpoints Optionally, sfbin can also output the fold map (using fold= parameter). The fold map shows the number of input traces in each output bin. Parameters that control output grid sampling are nx=, dx=, x0= (for the second axis), ny=, dy=, y0= (for the third axis). Alternatively, one can specify the range values xmin=, xmax=, ymin=, ymax=.

By default, the range is determined from the input trace coordinates. The input trace coordinates can be specified in an auxiliary trace header file (head= parameter), where x and y coordinates are given in keys number xkey= and ykey= (0 and 1 by default).

By default, nearest-neighbor binning is applied. Alternatively, it is possible to use median binning by specifying interp=0 or bilinear-interpolation binning by specifying interp=2.

By default, the output values are normalized by the fold. To switch fold-normalization off, use norm=n.

10 previous programs of the month:

Madagascar Virtual Machine Released

November 26, 2014 Systems No comments

As an alternative to installing Madagascar, you can now run a Crunchbang (Debian) virtual machine (VM) with it pre-installed. Just download, unzip, and run the file with Oracle VirtualBox (free software). Detailed instructions for running the VM for the first time or installing VirtualBox can be found in the readme.
README.txt (~3.0 GB)
MadagascarVM.7z (~2.1 GB, but requires 7zip to unpack)

Talitrus saltator

November 19, 2014 Examples No comments

In the excellent reproducible science tutorial at SciPy-2014, a reproducible data processing example involved segmenting the eye in an image of Talitrus saltator.
The example is reproduced, with modifications, in rsf/tutorials/talitrus. Madagascar users are encouraged to try improving the results.

Madagascar school in Harbin

November 13, 2014 Celebration No comments

A Madagascar school will take place on January 7-8, 2015, in Harbin, China, and will be hosted by the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in conjunction with the International Workshop on Mathematical Geophysics.

More information will be available soon on the school webpage.

Program of the month: sfthreshold

November 12, 2014 Programs No comments

sfthreshold filters the input by soft thresholding (shrinkage).

Soft thresholding is a point-by-point operation, which can be described mathematically as
$T_{\mu}[u] = \left\{\begin{array}{rcl} u – \mu\,\mbox{sign}(u) & \quad & \mbox{if}\,|u| > \mu \\ 0 & \quad & \mbox{if}\,|u| \le \mu\end{array}\right.$

Soft thresholding was analyzed by Donoho (1995) and became particularly popular thanks to the iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm by Daubechies et al. (2004).

Donoho, D. L. (1995). De-noising by soft-thresholding. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 41(3), 613-627.

Daubechies, I., Defrise, M., & De Mol, C. (2004). An iterative thresholding algorithm for linear inverse problems with a sparsity constraint. Communications on pure and applied mathematics, 57(11), 1413-1457.

The following example from tccs/seislet/lena shows an image (Seismic Lena) and its reconstruction after soft thresholding in the seislet domain using 5% thresholding (pclip=5).

sfthreshold uses percentage parameter pclip= to set thresholding at the corresponding quantile of the data values. To do soft or hard thresholding with a fixed threshold, use sfthr.

An alternative thresholding-like operation is provided by sfsharpen.

10 previous programs of the month:

Seismic data analysis using SSWT

November 12, 2014 Uncategorized No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Time-frequency analysis of seismic data using synchrosqueezing wavelet transform

Time-frequency (TF) decomposition is used for characterizing the non-stationary relation between time and instantaneous frequency, which is very important in the processing and interpretation of seismic data. The conventional time-frequency analysis approaches suffer from the contradiction between time resolution and frequency resolution. A new time-frequency analysis approach is proposed based on the synchrosqueezing wavelet transform (SSWT). The SSWT is an empirical-mode-decomposition-like tool but uses a different approach in constructing the components. With the help of the synchrosqueezing techniques, the SSWT can obtain obvious higher time and frequency resolution. Synthetic examples show that the SSWT based TF analysis can exactly capture the variable frequency components. Field data tests show the potential of the proposed approach in detecting anomalies of high-frequency attenuation and detecting the deep-layer weak signal.

Deblending using NMO median filtering

November 10, 2014 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Deblending using normal moveout and median filtering in common-midpoint gathers

The benefits of simultaneous source acquisition are compromised by the challenges of dealing with intense blending noise. In this paper, we propose a processing workflow for blended data. The incoherent property of blending noise in the common-midpoint (CMP) gathers is utilized for applying median filtering along the spatial direction after normal moveout (NMO) correction. The key step in the proposed workflow is that we need to obtain a precise velocity estimation which is required by the subsequent NMO correction. Because of the intense blending noise, the velocity scan can not be obtained in one step. We can recursively polish both deblended result and velocity estimation by deblending using the updated velocity estimation and velocity scanning using the updated deblended result. We use synthetic and field data examples to demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach. The migrated image of deblended data is cleaner than that of blended data, and is similar to that of unblended data.

Journals unite for reproducibility

November 10, 2014 Links No comments

Simultaneous editorials in Science and Nature state

Reproducibility, rigour, transparency and independent verification are cornerstones of the scientific method. Of course, just because a result is reproducible does not make it right, and just because it is not reproducible does not make it wrong. A transparent and rigorous approach, however, will almost always shine a light on issues of reproducibility. This light ensures that science moves forward, through independent verifications as well as the course corrections that come from refutations and the objective examination of the resulting data.

The editorials describe Proposed Principles and Guidelines for Reporting Preclinical Research developed this summer and endorsed by dozens of leading scientific journals publishing in the field of biomedical research. The guidelines focus on the issue of reproducibility of scientific experiments and include provisions for sharing data and software.

Nature explains its software sharing policy further in the following statement:

Nature and the Nature journals have decided that, given the diversity of practices in the disciplines we cover, we cannot insist on sharing computer code in all cases. But we can go further than we have in the past, by at least indicating when code is available. Accordingly, our policy now mandates that when code is central to reaching a paper’s conclusions, we require a statement describing whether that code is available and setting out any restrictions on accessibility. Editors will insist on availability where they consider it appropriate: any practical issues preventing code sharing will be evaluated by the editors, who reserve the right to decline a paper if important code is unavailable.

These changes in publication policies by the leading scientific journals may lead to a fundamental change in scientific standards for reproducibility of computational experiments in different fields.

See also: