The location of the current working directory appears now in the first line of RSF files in addition to other information. This could make it easier to track the origin of files that change directories. Thanks to Felix Herrmann for the suggestion.
July 31, 2005 Programs No comments
The location of the current working directory appears now in the first line of RSF files in addition to other information. This could make it easier to track the origin of files that change directories. Thanks to Felix Herrmann for the suggestion.
July 31, 2005 FAQ No comments
Is it possible to plot irregularly sampled seismic data in RSF?
Yes, if you use sfwiggle. See RSF/book/rsf/rsf/wiggle for an example.
July 30, 2005 Documentation No comments
A new paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers:
Other available papers:
July 29, 2005 Systems No comments
The rsfbook repository was getting too big with large figures and movies and that created a lot of difficulties. In a major reorganization effort, we have moved the human-edited part of the books (LaTeX and SConstruct files) under /rsf/book and created a separate repository rsffigs just for figures.
Checkout the figure repository as follows:
svn co $RSFROOT/figs.
You can also use a different path and set the RSFFIGS environmental variable. The usual scons test and scons lock commands should work.