AVO of methane hydrates

March 10, 2015 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Seismic AVO analysis of methane hydrate structures

Marine seismic data from the Blake Outer Ridge offshore Florida show strong “bottom simulating reflections” (BSR) associated with methane hydrate occurence in deep marine sediments. We use a detailed amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis of these data to explore the validity of models which might explain the origin of the bottom simulating reflector. After careful preprocessing steps, we determine a BSR model which can successfully reproduce the observed AVO responses. The P- and S-velocity behavior predicted by the forward modeling is further investigated by estimating the P- and S-impedance contrasts at all subsurface positions. Our results indicate that the Blake Outer Ridge BSR is compatible with a model of methane hydrate in sediment, overlaying a layer of free methane gas-saturated sediment. The hydrate-bearing sediments seem to be characterized by a high P-wave velocity of approximately 2.5 km/s, an anomalously low S-wave velocity of approximately 0.5 km/s, and a thickness of around 190 meters. The underlaying gas-saturated sediments have a P-wave velocity of 1.6 km/s, an S-wave velocity of 1.1 km/s, and a thickness of approximately 250 meters.

Tutorial on tuning and AVO

March 9, 2015 Examples No comments

The example in rsf/tutorials/tuning reproduces the tutorial from Wes Hamlyn on thin-bed tuning and AVO analysis in seismic interpretation. The tutorial was published in the December 2014 issue of The Leading Edge. Madagascar users are encouraged to try improving the results.

See also:

Program of the month: sfgrey

March 4, 2015 Programs 2 comments

sfgrey is the most widely used program in Madagascar. It is used for plotting multidimensional images with grayscale or pseudocolor.

sfgrey shares many of its options with other plotting programs, such as sfgraph, sfwiggle, and sfcontour. You can look for common options by running sfdoc stdplot or checking out stdplot documentation online.

Parameters that control the range of data to be displayed are clip=, pclip=, bias=, allpos=, mean=. The default behavior is pclip=99, which means that data values get clipped to the 99-nth percentile. To display values without clipping, use pclip=100. Setting the clip value with clip= takes the precedence over setting the percentage clip with pclip=. The bias= defines the data value for the middle of the color scale range, the default (appropriate for seismic data) is bias=0. When displaying values that are all larger than the bias value, set allpos=y (all positive). To set the bias to the mean value of the data without specifying it explicitly, use mean=y. The following example from trip/asg/project uses mean=y to display a synthetic model.

The gpow= parameter applies a nonlinear scaling by taking the image to the corresponding power. If the value of gpow is less than zero, the appropriate value is estimated from the data. The following example from gee/pch/ida uses the value of gpow=0.25.

If the input is a 3-D cube, sfgrey can use a particular panel (2-D slice) to estimate clip or glow. The panel is specified by gainpanel= and set by default to the first non-zero panel. To estimate clip using the whole cube, specify gainpanel=all. To clip each panel individually, use gainpanel=each. To add a scale bar, specify scalebar=y. By default, the scale bar is vertical. You can make it horizontal by using bartype=h. To set the minimum and maximum values on the scalebar, use minval= and maxval=. To make the scale bar run in reverse, use barreverse=y. The following example from tccs/optapert/sigsbee uses bartype=h minval=0 maxval=1.

By default, sfgrey displays the first axis running vertical from top to bottom, which corresponds to transp=y yreverse=y and is a common way to display seismic data. For other kinds of data, you can modify the default behavior by setting transp=, xreverse=, and yreverse=. The following example from geo391/hw5/pocs displays a seismic horizon using transp=y yreverse=n.

For an explanation of different color schemes (specified with color= parameter), please refer to previous posts:

10 previous programs of the month:

CiSE Paper on Madagascar Community

March 3, 2015 Links No comments

The paper Reproducible Research as a Community Effort: Lessons from the Madagascar Project was published in the January/February 2015 issue of Computing in Science and Engineering, a special issue on Scientific Software Communities.

Reproducible research is the discipline of attaching software code and data to publications, which enables the reader to reproduce, verify, and extend published computational experiments. Instead of being the responsibility of an individual author, computational reproducibility should become the responsibility of open source scientific-software communities. A dedicated community effort can keep a body of computational research alive by actively maintaining its reproducibility. The Madagascar open source software project offers an example of such a community.

Program of the month: sfhistogram

March 1, 2015 Programs No comments

sfthistogram computes a histogram for distribution of values in the input dataset.

The following example from rsf/rsf/sfnoise plots the histogram of a normally-distributed random noise:

The output of sfhistogram contains integer values arranged in a one-dimensional array. The sampling is specified by n1=, d1=, and o1= parameters.

10 previous programs of the month:

Acoustic staggered grid in IWAVE

January 31, 2015 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Acoustic staggered grid modeling in IWAVE

IWAVE is a framework for time-domain regular grid finite difference and finite element methods. The IWAVE package includes source code for infrastructure component, and implementations of several wave physics modeling categories. This paper presents two sets of examples using IWAVE acoustic staggered grid modeling. The first set illustrates the effectiveness of a simple version of Perfectly Matched Layer absorbing boundary conditions. The second set reproduce illustrations from a recent paper on error propagation for heterogeneous medium simulation using finite differences, and demostrate the interface error effect which renders all FD methods effectively first-order accurate. The source code for these examples is packaged with the paper source, and supports the user in duplicating the results presented here and using IWAVE in other settings.

Program of the month: sfmf

January 30, 2015 Programs No comments

sfmf applies a median filter on the first dimension of the input.

The size of the filter window is controlled by nfw= parameter. The following example from tccs/medianfilter/dragon shows field seismic data before and after 11-point (nfw=11) median filtering combined with bandpass filtering. For time-variant median filtering, see sftvmf. To simply output the median of the first axis, use sfmedian.

10 previous programs of the month:

NMO with super resolution

December 16, 2014 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
A prospect for super resolution

Wouldn’t it be great if I could take signals of 10-30 Hz bandwidth from 100 different offsets and construct a zero-offset trace with 5-100 Hz bandwidth? This would not violate Shannon’s sampling theorem which theoretically allows us to have a transform from 100 signals of 20 Hz bandwidth to one signal at 2000 Hz bandwidth. The trouble is that simple NMO is not such a transformation. Never-the-less, if the different offsets really did give us any extra information, we should be able to put the information into extra bandwidth. Let us consider noise free synthetic data and see if we can come up with a model where this could happen.

Earthquake stacks

December 10, 2014 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Earthquake stacks at constant offset

I show Shearer’s earthquake stacks over all source-receiver locations at constant offset and compare them to exploration seismic data. This electronic document simply reads the stacks and plots them.

T-X-Y adaptive filtering for random noise attenuation

December 7, 2014 Documentation 1 comment

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Adaptive prediction filtering in t-x-y domain for random noise attenuation using regularized nonstationary autoregression

Many natural phenomena, including geologic events and geophysical data, are fundamentally nonstationary. They may exhibit stationarity on a short timescale but eventually alter their behavior in time and space. We propose a 2D t-x adaptive prediction filter (APF) and further extend this to a 3D t-x-y version for random noise attenuation based on regularized nonstationary autoregression (RNA). Instead of using patching, a popular method for handling nonstationarity, we obtain smoothly nonstationary APF coefficients by solving a global regularized least-squares problem. We use shaping regularization to control the smoothness of the coefficients of APF. 3D space-noncausal t-x-y APF uses neighboring traces around the target traces in the 3D seismic cube to predict noise-free signal, so it provides more accurate prediction results than the 2D version. In comparison with other denoising methods, such as frequency-space deconvolution, time-space prediction filter, and frequency-space RNA, we test the feasibility of our method in reducing seismic random noise on three synthetic datasets. Results of applying the proposed method to seismic field data demonstrate that nonstationary t-x-y APF is effective in practice.

This reproducible paper is the first direct contribution from Jilin University, China.