Month: September 2019

Tutorial on mapping lineaments

September 14, 2019 Examples No comments

The example in rsf/tutorials/lineaments reproduces the tutorial from Matteo Niccoli on mapping and validating lineaments.

The tutorial was published in the August 2015 issue of The Leading Edge.

Madagascar users are encouraged to try improving the results.

Plotting with matplotlib

September 12, 2019 Programs 1 comment

Matplotlib is a popular Python library for 2D plotting, which emulates (and exceeds) the plotting functionality of MATLAB.

At the Madagascar Working Workshop in 2018, a couple of new scripts were added to simplify plotting with Matplotlib in Madagascar.

  • sfmatplotlib can be used to plot RSF files.You can use it as follows:
    sfmatplotlib <matplotlib function> <plot options> [format=eps] < inp.rsf [ > out.eps] 

    Without the standard output, the figure is displayed on the screen.

    The figure above was generated with

    sfspike n1=1000 k1=300 | sfbandpass fhi=2 phase=y| sfmatplotlib plot title="Welcome to Maagascar" grid=y linewidth=3 format=png > figure.png

    Futher enhancements are possible.

  • sfpgreywfl is a script contributed by Carlos da Costa that uses matplotlib for plotting a seismic wavefiels overlaid on the velocity model.

    The figure above was generated with

    sfpgreywfl < wavefield.rsf bg=velocity.rsf wflcmap=seismic title="Wavefield" barlabel="Velocity (m/s)" tmin=0.08 savefile=figure.gif


September 9, 2019 Celebration No comments

The major version of Madagascar, stable version 3.0, has been released. The main change is the added support for Python-3. Both Python-2 and Python-3 are now supported. The new version also features 14 new reproducible papers, as well as other enhancements.

According to the SourceForge statistics, the previous 2.0 stable distribution has been downloaded about 6,000 times. The top country (with 27% of all downloads) was China, followed by the USA, Brazil, Canada, and India.

In September 2019, the total cumulative number of downloads for the stable version of Madagascar has reached 50 thousand. The current development version continues to be available through Github.


September 9, 2019 Programs No comments

scons2jupyter is a simple script that converts a Madagascar-style SConstruct file to a Jupyter notebook with a Python interface.

You can use it by simply running

scons2jupyter < SConstruct > mynotebook.ipynb

An example notebook is the result of running scons2jupyter in bei/vela/vscan.

A newly created notebook can be populated with Markdown text and explanations to implement the discipline of literate programmins.