AB semblance + local similarity stacking

January 18, 2017 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents: Weighted stacking of seismic AVO data using hybrid AB semblance and local similarity

Common-midpoint (CMP) stacking technique plays an important role in enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in seismic data processing and imaging. Weighted stacking is often used to improve the performance of conventional equal-weight stacking in further attenuating random noise and handling the amplitude variations in real seismic data. In this study, we propose to use a hybrid framework of combining AB semblance and local-similarity-weighted stacking scheme. The objective is to achieve an optimal stacking of the CMP gathers with class II amplitude-variation-with-offset (AVO) polarity-reversal anomaly. The selection of high-quality near-offset reference trace is another innovation of this work because of its better preservation of useful energy. Applications to synthetic and field seismic data demonstrate a great improvement using our method to capture the true locations of weak reflections, distinguish thin-bed tuning artifacts, and effectively attenuate random noise.

This paper is the first direct contribution from the University of Houston.

Geophysics Papers of the Future

December 9, 2016 Links No comments

The race is on! Although the official (December 1) deadline has passed, papers continue to be accepted for the special section Reproducible research: Geophysics papers of the future in Geophysics. As long as the paper can be reviewed in time for the desiugnated issue (November-December 2017), it will be accepted for the special section. Otherwise, it will appear in a regular issue of the journal.

If you use Madagascar to prepare your “paper of the future”, you can commit the code to the Madagascar repository and add a link to your submission. Alternatively, the code can be submitted as an attachment.

The concept of reproducible research, pioneered 25 years ago by Jon Claerbout, suggests the discipline of of attaching software code and data to scientific publications in order to enable the reader to verify, reproduce, and extend computational experiments described in the publication. A framework for reproducible research is provided by the Madagascar open-source software project, which was started 10 years ago. This special section will collect papers on different subjects in exploration geophysics united
by the discipline of reproducible research. Each paper in the section will be reviewed according to the guidelines of the Geophysics Software & Algorithms section, which means that not only the text of the paper but also its associated software codes will be examined by the reviewers, and the reproducibility of computational experiments will be independently verified. For more information, visit http://software.seg.org.

The recent Geoscience Papers of the Future (GPF) Initiative qualifies papers in the special section as Geophysics papers of the future. Supported by the National Science Foundation, “GPF is an initiative to encourage geoscientists to publish papers together with the associated digital products of their research. This means that a paper would include: 1) Documentation of data sets, including descriptions, unique identifiers, and availability in public repositories; 2) Documentation of software, including preprocessing
of data and visualization steps, described with metadata and with unique identifiers and pointers to public code repositories; [and] 3) Documentation of the provenance and workflow for each figure or result.” For more information, visit http://www.ontosoft.org/gpf/.

Use of the Madagascar framework is encouraged but not required, as long as the submitted paper satisfies the reproducibility conditions. Use of proprietary data is allowed as long as it is restricted to one section of the paper while other parts of the paper use publicly available or synthetically generated data.

Propagating decoupled elastic waves using low-rank approximation

November 21, 2016 Celebration No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents: Simulating propagation of decoupled elastic waves using low-rank approximate mixed-domain integral operators for anisotropic media

In elastic imaging, the extrapolated vector fields are decoupled into pure wave modes, such that the imaging condition produces interpretable images. Conventionally, mode decoupling in anisotropic media is costly as the operators involved are dependent on the velocity, and thus are not stationary. We develop an efficient pseudo-spectral approach to directly extrapolate the decoupled elastic waves using low-rank approximate mixed-domain integral operators on the basis of the elastic displacement wave equation. We apply k-space adjustment to the pseudo-spectral solution to allow for a relatively large extrapolation time-step. The low-rank approximation is, thus, applied to the spectral operators that simultaneously extrapolate and decompose the elastic wavefields. Synthetic examples on transversely isotropic and orthorhombic models show that, our approach has the potential to efficiently and accurately simulate the propagations of the decoupled quasi-P and quasi-S modes as well as the total wavefields, for elastic wave modeling, imaging and inversion.

Lowrank one-step wave extrapolation

November 17, 2016 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents: Lowrank one-step wave extrapolation for reverse-time migration

Reverse-time migration (RTM) relies on accurate wave extrapolation engines to image complex subsurface structures. To construct such operators with high efficiency and numerical stability, we propose an approach of one-step wave extrapolation using complex-valued lowrank decomposition to approximate the mixed-domain space-wavenumber wave extrapolation symbol. The lowrank one-step method involves a complex-valued phase function, which is more flexible than a real-valued phase function of two-step schemes, and thus is capable of modeling a wider variety of dispersion relations. Two novel designs of the phase function lead to desired properties in wave extrapolation. First, for wave propagation in inhomogeneous media, we include a velocity gradient term to implement a more accurate phase behavior, particularly when velocity variations are large. Second, we develop an absorbing boundary condition, which is propagation-direction-dependent and can be incorporated into the phase function as an anisotropic attenuation term. This term allows waves to travel parallel to the boundary without absorption, thus reducing artificial reflections at wide-incident angles. Using numerical experiments, we demonstrate the stability improvement of a one-step scheme in comparison with two-step schemes. We observe the lowrank one-step operator to be remarkably stable and capable of propagating waves using large time step sizes, even beyond the Nyquist limit. The stability property can help minimize the computational cost of seismic modeling or reverse-time migration. We also demonstrate that lowrank one-step wave extrapolation handles anisotropic wave propagation accurately and efficiently. When applied to RTM in anisotropic media, the proposed method generates high quality images.

Madagascar School in Zürich

October 31, 2016 Celebration No comments

Filippo Broggini reports:

The 2016 Madagascar School on Reproducible Computational Geophysics took place in Zürich, Switzerland, on June 6-7, 2016, and was hosted by the Exploration and Environmental Geophysics (EEG) group at ETH Zürich.

The school attracted more than 15 participants from 5 countries and 10 different universities. The program included lectures given by 5 different instructors and hands-on exercises on different topics in the use of the Madagascar software framework. The school materials are available on the website.

Separated qS-wave propagators

October 14, 2016 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents: Simulating propagation of separated wave modes in general anisotropic media, Part II: qS-wave propagators

Shear waves, especially converted modes in multicomponent seismic data, provide significant information that allows better delineation of geological structures and characterization of petroleum reservoirs. Seismic imaging and inversion based upon the elastic wave equation involve high computational cost and many challenges in decoupling the wave modes and estimating so many model parameters. For transversely isotropic media, shear waves can be designated as pure SH and quasi-SV modes. Through two different similarity transformations to the Christoffel equation aiming to project the vector displacement wavefields onto the isotropic references of the polarization directions, we derive simplified second-order systems (i.e., pseudo-pure-mode wave equations) for SH- and qSV-waves, respectively. The first system propagates a vector wavefield with two horizontal components, of which the summation produces pure-mode scalar SH-wave data, while the second propagates a vector wavefield with a summed horizontal component and a vertical component, of which the final summation produces a scalar field dominated by qSV-waves in energy. The simulated SH- or qSV-wave has the same kinematics as its counterpart in the elastic wavefield. As explained in our previous paper (part I), we can obtain completely separated scalar qSV-wave fields after spatial filtering the pseudo-pure-mode qSV-wave fields. Synthetic examples demonstrate that these wave propagators provide efficient and flexible tools for qS-wave extrapolation in general transversely isotropic media.

US Presidential Candidates on Reproducible Research

September 13, 2016 Links No comments

Among other ideas and proposals, the 2016 US presidential candidates shared some thoughts on the issue of reproducible research in science.

Quoted from the traditional questionnaire in Scientific American, with emphasis added.

Hillary Clinton:

I believe federal policies can do even more to reinforce public trust in the integrity of science throughout the research enterprise. Though very rare, deliberate fraud in how scientists use public research dollars must be exposed, punished, and prevented. We can and will create further incentives to encourage scientists not only to maintain accountability and accuracy checks, but also to share data, code, and research results for reuse and support replication by others.

Donald Trump:

Science is science and facts are facts.

This is not a political endorsement. You can read the questionnaire to form your own opinion.


Program of the month: sflinear

March 23, 2016 Programs No comments

sflinear performs 1-D linear interpolation of irregularly spaced data.

The following example from rsf/su/rsflab4 shows a linearly interpolated velocity profile:

The input to sflinear contains coordinate-value pairs arranged so that the second dimension of the data is n2=2. The output contains regularly sampled values on the specified grid.

If the input coordinates are not in order and need sorting, use sort=y.

The output grid can be specified either by supplying it in a pattern file pattern= or by specifying the usual parameters n1=, o1=, d1=.

If the number of iterations specified by niter= is greater than zero, sflinear switches from simple linear interpolation to iterative interpolation by shaping regularization, which can produce a smooth output. The additional parameters to control this process are nw= (size of the local Lagrange interpolation filter for forward interpolation) and rect= (smoothing radius for shaping).

10 previous programs of the month:

Tutorial on semblance, coherence, and other discontinuity attributes

March 23, 2016 Examples No comments

The example in rsf/tutorials/semblance reproduces the tutorial from Joe Kington on semblance, coherence, and other discontinuity attributes. The tutorial was published in the December 2015 issue of The Leading Edge.

Madagascar users are encouraged to try improving the results.

Multiple realizations

March 17, 2016 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents: Multiple realizations using standard inversion techniques

When solving a missing data problem, geophysicists and geostatisticians have very similar strategies. Each use the known data to characterize the model’s covariance. At SEP we often characterize the covariance through Prediction Error Filters (PEFs) (Claerbout, 1998). Geostatisticians build variograms from the known data to represent the model’s covariance (Issaks and Srivastava, 1989). Once each has some measure of the model covariance they attempt to fill in the missing data. Here their goals slightly diverge. The geophysicist solves a global estimation problem and attempts to create a model whose covariance is equivalent to the covariance of the known data. The geostatistician performs kriging, solving a series of local estimation problem. Each model estimate is the linear combination of nearby data points that best fits their predetermined covariance estimate. Both of these approaches are in some ways exactly what we want: given a problem give me `the answer’…