Day: October 21, 2012

Layer-stripping Kirchhoff migration

October 21, 2012 Documentation No comments

Another old paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Imaging complex structures with first-arrival traveltimes

How do I convert a reproducible paper from LaTeX to HTML?

October 21, 2012 FAQ No comments

Follow the following steps:

  1. Install SEGTeX.
  2. Install LaTeX2HTML.
  3. Set LATEX2HTML environmental variable to $TEXMF/latex2html where $TEXMF is the place of your SEGTeX installation.
  4. In the reproducible paper directory, run
    sftour scons lock

    to install reproducible figures. Then run

    scons html


    scons papername.html

    (if the file name is papername.tex rather than paper.tex) to convert the paper to HTML.

  5. In the reproducible paper directory, run
    scons install


    scons papername.install

    (if the file name is papername.tex rather than paper.tex) to install the HTML paper under $RSFROOT/share/madagascar/book

  6. On the book level, you can convert a full report or book to HTML by running
    scons www

See more instructions on assembling reports from papers.