Month: August 2005

Dot product test

August 28, 2005 Programs No comments

sfdottest is a new program for a generic dot product test of linear operators. A short description of it has been added to the RSF programs guide. Thanks to LIPS for the design discussions!

RSF program guide: sfmask

August 24, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfmask has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

Scons tools

August 21, 2005 Systems No comments

Several new Scons features are added to help in the development:

  • In the project SConstruct files, it is possible now to use the full name of a program (i.e. “sfwindow”) as well as the abbreviated name (i.e. “window”). Using the full name is handy when copying and pasting from or to the command line. Using the abbreviated (no-prefix) name saves some typing. Thanks to LIPS for the suggestion!
  • A new rule “scons result.flip” runs “xtpen Fig/result.vpl /locked/figures/result.vpl” to flip between the new and locked figure. This is useful when detecting changes.
  • If you run “scons program.test” from RSF/book directory (i.e. “scons sfwindow.test”), it will visit all project directories where the program is used and run “scons test” in them. This is useful for “unit testing” – making sure that the program passes all tests when modified.

RSF program guide: sfinterleave

August 15, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfinterleave has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

RSF program guide: sfin

August 15, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfin has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

RSF program guide: sfheaderwindow

August 14, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfheaderwindow has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

RSF program guide: sfheadersort

August 13, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfheadersort has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

RSF program guide: sfheadermath

August 7, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfheadermath has been added to the RSF programs guide. Any further additions or corrections would be appreciated.

Asymptotic pseudo-unitary operators

August 6, 2005 Documentation No comments

A new paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers:

Other available papers:


Matlab interface

August 5, 2005 Systems No comments

The Matlab interface to RSF is now completed. See an example in the RSF API guide.