Claerbout’s multidimensional autoregression

August 12, 2006 Documentation No comments

Multidimensional autoregression, another chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).

Claerbout’s preconditioning

August 9, 2006 Documentation No comments

Preconditioning, another chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).

Helix transform

August 8, 2006 Documentation No comments

The helical coordinate, another chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).

Inverse interpolation

August 7, 2006 Documentation No comments

Empty bins and inverse interpolation, the third chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).

Model fitting by least squares

August 7, 2006 Documentation No comments

Model fitting by least squares, the second chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).

Image Estimation by Example in C

August 5, 2006 Documentation No comments

Basic operators and adjoints, the first chapter of Jon Claerbout‘s book Image Estimation by Example is added to the collection of reproducible papers (with code fragments translated from Fortran-90/Ratfor/Loptran to C).


July 28, 2006 Programs No comments

By popular demand, vplot2eps is now a separate script.

bash$ vplot2eps 
Usage: $RSFROOT/bin/vplot2eps [options] file.vpl [file.eps] 

Converts vplot to encapsulated postscript. 
[options] are passed to pspen.


  • To convert EPS to PDF, use epstopdf.
  • To convert EPS to PNG or GIF, use pstoimg (supplied with latex2html) as follows:
bash$ PAPERSIZE=ledger pstoimg file.eps -out file.png [-type png -interlaced -antialias -crop a ...]
  • You can also try vplot2gif, which is capable of generating animated GIFs (requires additional programs).
  • pstoedit can convert EPS to other vector formats.

New madagascar logo

July 23, 2006 Celebration 1 comment

As designed by Scott Rodgers at BEG. If you have opinions or suggestions, please let us know.

Beardsley’s principles

July 15, 2006 Systems No comments

Reginald Beardsley formulates seven design principles for a modern seismic processing system:

A modern production seismic processing system must satisfy several conflicting goals:

  • It must make efficient use of an ever changing, heterogeneous computing enviroment.
  • It must be easy to locate the appropriate modules from a large number of choices.
  • It must be easy to modify and test existing modules or write new ones without adversely impacting other users.
  • It must be impossible to run the system with invalid or incomplete input and easy to identify the parameters required by a module, what allowable values are and the significance of the parameter.
  • It must be possible to reproduce within roundoff error all operations on any data, at any time, even years later.
  • Unwanted or unexpected interactions between system components must not take place.
  • It must be possible to construct the system with limited resources.

To read more or to participate in the discussion, please subscribe to the RSF-user mailing list.

Spectral factorization

July 13, 2006 Documentation No comments

Another old paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers: