
Dot product test

August 28, 2005 Programs No comments

sfdottest is a new program for a generic dot product test of linear operators. A short description of it has been added to the RSF programs guide. Thanks to LIPS for the design discussions!

scalebar in sfgrey3

August 4, 2005 Programs No comments

The scalebar= option is now accepted by sfgrey3.
Use it as follows:
< file.rsf sfbyte bar=bar.rsf ... | sfgrey3 scalebar=y ... > plot.vpl

Here is an example with bartype=h

Saving current working directory

July 31, 2005 Programs No comments

The location of the current working directory appears now in the first line of RSF files in addition to other information. This could make it easier to track the origin of files that change directories. Thanks to Felix Herrmann for the suggestion.

Random numbers

April 1, 2005 Programs No comments

Random numbers in sfnoise and similar programs are now generated by portable code from Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura (the “Mersenne Twister” algorithm). It is regarded as one of the most powerful algorithms and is the default random number generator in GSL.


April 1, 2005 Programs No comments

sfmath can now work with complex numbers. Try something like
sfmath n1=100 type=complex output=”exp(I*x1)” | sfgraph screenratio=1 | xtpen
You cannot, however, mix float and complex files in the input. Use sfdd, sfrtoc, sfreal, sfimag and sfcmplx to convert between real and complex types.
sfmath n1=100 output=x1 | sfrtoc | sfmath output=”exp(I*input)” | sfgraph screenratio=1 | xtpen


March 15, 2005 Programs No comments

Added sfclip2, a generalization of sfclip that allows independent specification of the upper and lower clip values. The upper and lower clip parameters default to FLT_MAX and -FLT_MAX so that no clipping occurs for a clip value that is not specified.


March 15, 2005 Programs No comments

Added min and max options to sfstack to find the minimum or maximum values along an axis.


March 15, 2005 Programs No comments

Added sflistminmax program to construct “incremental” minimum or maximum lists from an RSF file.
sflistminmax constructs the following set of minimum or maximum lists for each x2, x3, … xn in the input RSF file:
out[0] = in[0]
out[i] = min or max of (in[i], out[i-1]) for i = 1, 2, 3, … n1
sflistminmax mode=min can be used to simulate “erosion” for a set of geological surfaces, producing a new set of surfaces that do not cross.


March 15, 2005 Programs 1 comment

Added sfminmax program to find the element-by-element minimum or maximum of two RSF files.