
Spectral velocity continuation

July 5, 2006 Documentation No comments

Another old paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers:


June 26, 2006 Documentation No comments

A new documentation command scons wiki translates a LaTeX source into a MediaWiki formatted file.
An example: RSF Installation Instructions were generated by running scons in book/rsf/rsf/ directory. The latex2wiki script is primitive but will be extended later as more files get translated.

Madagascar: overview presentation

June 23, 2006 Documentation No comments

These slides give an overview of the recently released Madagascar software. They contain information regarding:

  • Madagascar, SCons and Python main features
  • Madagascar data format
  • Madagascar architecture
  • Madagascar functions and their self-documentation
  • Madagascar levels of usage (command line, SConstruct processing flows, and documentation)
  • how to write your own Madagascar functions (C, C++, Matlab, Python, etc.)
  • useful Madagascar links

Enjoy and do not hesitate to give me your feedback!

Reproducible Matlab and Mathematica figures and spectral factorization

May 23, 2006 Documentation 2 comments

Another paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers:

The paper demonstrates the use of Matlab figures in a reproducible document. To include figures generated with Matlab:

  1. Create a directory called Matlab.
  2. Put figure-generating matlab scripts in this directory.
  3. Each script should have a .ml suffix
  4. Each script should end with a command like print -depsc junkml.eps; (the name junkml.eps is important.)
  5. You can put other needed Matlab functions in the same directory. See book/sep/specfac/Matlab/ directory for an example.

The rules for Mathematica figures are completely analogous.

  1. Create a directory called Math.
  2. Put figure-generating mathematica scripts in this directory.
  3. Each script should have a .ma suffix
  4. Each script should end with a command like Export[“junkma.eps”, %, “EPS”]; (the name junkma.eps is important.)
  5. See book/sep/angle/Math/ directory for examples.

Anisotropic velocity approximations

May 19, 2006 Documentation No comments

Another paper has been added to the collection of reproducible papers:

RSF program guide: sfreverse

May 14, 2006 Documentation No comments

A section on sfreverse has been added to the RSF programs guide.

Offset continuation practice

March 17, 2006 Documentation No comments

Another old paper has been added to the collection:

Other available papers:

Offset continuation theory

March 1, 2006 Documentation No comments

Another old paper has been added to the collection:

RSF white paper

February 16, 2006 Documentation No comments

The RSF “white paper” got expanded. Changes and additions are welcome.

RSF program guide: sfreal and sfimag

December 13, 2005 Documentation No comments

A section on sfreal and sfimag has been added to the RSF programs guide.