Month: March 2014

Optimal aperture in Kirchhoff migration

March 25, 2014 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Selecting an optimal aperture in Kirchhoff migration using dip-angle images

We present a method for selecting a migration aperture in Kirchhoff migration. We first split migrated data into constant-dip-angle partial images. Then, in every partial image, we estimate the consistency between each event and the constant dip of the analyzed section. We filter out events whose slope is far from the corresponding dip. Stacking of the filtered partial images corresponds to migration having an optimal aperture. Synthetic and real data examples demonstrate that the proposed approach to migration-aperture optimization is able to reduce migration noise while preserving diffraction energy, which characterizes small geological objects and brings additional resolution to the image.

Matt Hall’s tutorial on smoothing

March 11, 2014 Examples No comments

If you enjoyed Matt Hall‘s tutorial on smoothing surfaces and attributes in the last month’s issue of The Leading Edge, you can find it reproduced in Madagascar (with some extensions) under rsf/tutorials/smoothing.

If you like IPython notebooks, you can also reproduce this exercise using the provided notebook.

Madagascar users are encouraged to try improving this reproducible example.

Program of the month: sflpad

March 11, 2014 Programs No comments

sflpad pads the input data by inserting zero traces and zero planes between traces and planes in the input. The following example from gee/lal/lace shows a classic example of interpolation beyond aliasing, which appears on the cover of Jon Claerbout’s book Processing Versus Inversion:

10 previous programs of the month:

Reproducibility workshop @ XSEDE

March 7, 2014 Links No comments

XSEDE (Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment) is hosting a workshop on reproducibility as a full-day event on Monday, July 14, 2014, during the XSEDE conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The workshop promises to address the issue of the reproducibility crisis in computational science addresses during the Data and Code Sharing Roundtable at Yale in 2009.

XSEDE is the world’s largest, most comprehensive distributed cyberinfrastructure for open scientific research, which integrates high-performance computers and other facilities around the US.