Month: January 2009

Flow builder

January 30, 2009 Systems No comments

Madagascar flow builder in OpendTect (picture courtesy of Bert Bril)

R in New York Times

January 10, 2009 Systems No comments

Nice article in the New York Times about the R project. R and Bioconductor are great examples of successful open-source scientific communities, dedicated to free software and computational reproducibility. We can use them as models and possibly look for ways to integrate.

Reproducible Research in CiSE

January 6, 2009 Celebration No comments

Madagascar gets mentioned in the special issue on reproducible research of Computing in Science & Engineering.

1D time-varying median filter

January 6, 2009 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
A 1D time-varying median filter for seismic random, spike-like noise elimination

Adaptive multiple subtraction

January 2, 2009 Documentation No comments

A new paper is added to the collection of reproducible documents:
Adaptive multiple subtraction using regularized nonstationary regression


January 2, 2009 Celebration No comments

A new stable release of madagascar is another step toward the first non-beta version (madagascar-1.0). It features new reproducible papers and other improvements. The total number of downloads for all stable versions has reached 4,000.