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Next: Full waveform inversion Up: Forward modeling Previous: A 2-D Modeling experiment

Further exercises

How to:
  1. higher accuracy in space $ \rightarrow$ higher order FD stencil $ \rightarrow$ Fourier pseudospectral method (Carcione, 2010), see the code /RSFSRC/user/pyang/Mps2d.c?
  2. implement sponge/Gaussian taper boundary condition (Cerjan et al., 1985), PML (Komatitsch and Martin, 2007)? (Yang, 2014)
  3. increase temporal discretization accuracy: leap-frog $ \rightarrow$ Runge-Kutta scheme?
  4. locate your source and receiver position at arbitrary position: Kaiser windowed sinc interpolation (Hicks, 2002)
