SU to m8r dictionary

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Seismic Unix (SU) is a software package for seismic data processing. The dictionary below is intended for SU users who are interested in either using Madagascar (m8r) or in finding out which algorithms/utilities are present in m8r, but not in SU.

A m8r program, or a chain of m8r programs, will be considered equivalent to a SU counterpart only if it has at least all the capabilities of its SU counterpart. For example, a m8r program that requires regularly sampled data, and cannot take position information from auxiliary files, but just works on a hypercube, cannot be considered by itself the equivalent of a SU program implementing an equivalent algorithm and working on an actual irregularly sampled grid. However, a cascade of a m8r regularization program and a program working on a regularly sampled cube can be considered equivalent to a SU counterpart if the approximations introduced by regularization do not matter.

The starting point of the list below was Chris Liner's help page for Seismic Un*x v.38.

Some SU codes have been ported to Madagascar with proper attribution, according to the BSD-style license of SU. They are placed in the su directory in the Madagascar source code.

The book/rsf/su directory in the Madagascar source code contains some SU demos (implemented with SCons+suproj) and their Madagascar equivalents.

Data Compression

Discrete Cosine Transform

  1. dctcomp:
  2. dctuncomp:


  1. supack1:
  2. supack2:
  3. suunpack1:
  4. suunpack2:

Wavelet Transform

  1. wpc1comp2:
  2. wpccompress:
  3. wptcomp:
  4. wtcomp:
  5. wpc1uncomp2:
  6. wpcuncompress:
  7. wptuncomp:
  8. wtuncomp:

Editing, Sorting and Manipulation

Edit + tools

  1. suabshw:
  2. suazimuth:
  3. subset:
  4. suchw:
  5. sucountkey:
  6. suedit:
  7. sugethw:
  8. sukill:
  9. sunan:
  10. suquantile:
  11. surange:
  12. sushw:
  13. sutab:
  14. suwind: sfmask on a header key read in a separate file, followed with sfheaderwindow using the mask thus created.
  15. suxedit:


  1. susort:
  2. susorty:


  1. fcat:
  2. maxdiff:
  3. segyhdrmod:
  4. suaddnoise:
  5. sucmp:
  6. sudiff:
  7. suflip:
  8. suhtmath:
  9. suinterp:
  10. sumixgathers:
  11. sunull:
  12. suop:
  13. suop2:
  14. supermute:
  15. suramp:
  16. surecip, recip:
  17. suresamp, resamp:
  18. suswapbytes:
  19. sutaper:
  20. sutxtaper:
  21. suvcat:
  22. suzero:
  23. swapbytes:
  24. transp:

Filtering, Transforms and Attributes

1-D filtering

  1. suband:
  2. subfilt:
  3. suconv:
  4. sueipofi:
  5. sufilter:
  6. sufrac:
  7. supef:
  8. supofilt:
  9. sushape:
  10. sutvband:
  11. suxcor:

2-D filtering

  1. sudipfilt:
  2. sufxdecon:
  3. suk1k2filter:
  4. sumedian:
  5. sukfilter:
  6. sukfrac:

Transforms and attributes

  1. entropy:
  2. mrafxzwt:
  3. suamp:
  4. suattributes:
  5. suenv:
  6. suhilb:
  7. suhrot:
  8. sufft, suifft:
  9. sugabor:
  10. suharlan:
  11. sulog, suilog:
  12. supolar:
  13. suradon:
  14. sutaup:
  15. sutsq:
  16. sureduce:
  17. suspecfk:
  18. suspecfx:
  19. suspeck1k2:

Gain, NMO, Stack and Standard Processes

Standard Processes

  1. suagc:
  2. sudipdivcor:
  3. sudivcor:
  4. sugain:
  5. grm:
  6. sumix:
  7. sumute:
  8. sunmo:
  9. supgc:
  10. supws:
  11. suresstat:
  12. sustack:
  13. sustatic:
  14. sustaticrrs:
  15. unglitch:


  1. suacor:
  2. suttoz:
  3. suvibro:
  4. suvlength:

Velocity Analysis

  1. dzdv:
  2. sudivstack:
  3. surelan:
  4. surelanan:
  5. suvel2df:
  6. suvelan:
  7. suvelan_nccs:
  8. suvelan_nsel:
  9. suvelan_uccs:
  10. suvelan_usel:
  11. velpert:
  12. velpertan:


X-window for SU format input data

  1. suxcontour:
  2. suxgraph:
  3. suximage: sfgrey. The binary cube of an RSF floating-point file can be piped directly into suximage, with arguments perc instead of sfgrey's pclip and cmap instead of color
  4. suxmax:
  5. suxmovie:
  6. suxpicker:
  7. suxwigb:

X-window for binary input data

  1. sxplot:
  2. xcontour:
  3. xgraph:
  4. ximage:
  5. xmovie:
  6. xpicker:
  7. xwigb:

Postscript for SU format input data

  1. supscontour:
  2. supscube:
  3. supscubecontour:
  4. supsgraph:
  5. supsimage:
  6. supsmovie:
  7. supswigb:
  8. supswigp:

Postscript for binary input data

  1. psbbox:
  2. pscontour:
  3. pscube:
  4. pscubecontour:
  5. psgraph:
  6. psimage:
  7. psmovie:
  8. pswigb:
  9. pswigp:
  10. spsplot:

Utilities + misc

  1. fftlab:
  2. h2b:
  3. lcmap:
  4. lprop:
  5. merge2:
  6. merge4:
  7. prplot:
  8. psepsi:
  9. psmanager:
  10. psmerge:
  11. pslabel:
  12. scmap:
  13. su3dchart:
  14. suchart:
  15. supsmax:
  16. xrects:
  17. xepsb:
  18. xepsp:


  1. a2b:
  2. b2a:
  3. bhedtopar:
  4. dt1tosu:
  5. ftnstrip:
  6. ftnunstrip:
  7. recast:
  8. segyclean:
  9. segyhdrs:
  10. segyread:
  11. segywrite:
  12. setbhed:
  13. suaddhead:
  14. suascii:
  15. suget:
  16. suoldtonew:
  17. supaste:
  18. suput:
  19. sustrip:
  20. z2xyz:

Migration and Dip Moveout

Poststack migration

  1. sugazmig:
  2. sumigfd:
  3. sumigffd:
  4. sumiggbzo:
  5. sumigps:
  6. sumigpspi:
  7. sumigpsti:
  8. sumigsplit:
  9. sumigtk:

Prestack/Poststack migration

  1. sukdmig2d:
  2. sukdmig3d:
  3. sumigtopo2d:
  4. sustolt:

Prestack migration

  1. sumigprefd:
  2. sumigpreffd:
  3. sumigprepspi:
  4. sumigpresp:

Dip Moveout

  1. sudmofk:
  2. sudmofkcw:
  3. sudmotivz:
  4. sudmotx:
  5. sudmovz:
  6. sutihaledmo:

Datuming and continuation

  1. sudatumk2dr:
  2. sudatumk2ds:
  3. sudatumfd:
  4. suocext:

Inversion (True amp migration)

  1. suinvvzco:
  2. suinvzco3d:

Simulation and Model Building

Simulation (aka modeling)

  1. gbbeam:
  2. normray:
  3. rayt2d:
  4. suaddevent:
  5. suaddstatics:
  6. suea2df:
  7. sufctanismod:
  8. sufdmod2:
  9. sufdmod2_pml:
  10. sugoupillaud:
  11. sugoupillaudpo:
  12. suimp2d:
  13. suimp3d:
  14. sukdsyn2d:
  15. susyncz:
  16. susynlv:
  17. susynlvfti:
  18. susynlvcw:
  19. susynvxz:
  20. susynvxzcs:
  21. sutetraray:
  22. triray:
  23. triseis:
  24. wkbj:

Model building

  1. makevel:
  2. regrid3:
  3. suintvel:
  4. sustkvel:
  5. sutivel:
  6. suwellrf:
  7. tetramod:
  8. tri2uni:
  9. trimodel:
  10. uni2tri:
  11. unif2:
  12. unisam:
  13. unisam2:
  14. velconv:


  1. kaperture:
  2. linrort:
  3. smooth2:
  4. smooth3d:
  5. smoothint2:
  6. sunhmospike:
  7. suplane:
  8. suspike:
  9. trip:
  10. vel2stiff:
  11. viewer3:
  12. vtlvz:
  13. xy2z:



  1. copyright:
  2. cpall:
  3. cpusec:
  4. cputime:
  5. ctrlstrip:
  6. dirtree:
  7. downfort:
  8. farith:
  9. filetype:
  10. isatty:
  11. lookpar:
  12. lorenz:
  13. maxints:
  14. mkparfile:
  15. newcase:
  16. overwrite:
  17. pause:
  18. precedence:
  19. replace:
  20. rmaxdiff:
  21. striptotxt:
  22. sugausstaper:
  23. sumax:
  24. sumean:
  25. sunormalize:
  26. supickamp:
  27. sushift:
  28. suweight:
  29. t:
  30. this_year:
  31. time_now:
  32. todays_date:
  33. updatedoc:
  34. updatedocall:
  35. updatehead:
  36. upfort:
  37. usernames:
  38. varlist:
  39. wallsec:
  40. walltime:
  41. weekday:
  42. zap:


  1. cwpfind:
  2. gendocs:
  3. sudoc:
  4. sufind: sfdoc -k
  5. sufind2:
  6. sugendocs:
  7. suhelp:
  8. suname:
  9. sukeyword:

Core Library

Transforms and Encoding

  1. abel:
  2. dct1:
  3. dct2:
  4. dpfafft:
  5. getfilter:
  6. hankle:
  7. hilbert:
  8. huffman:
  9. lct1:
  10. pcoding:
  11. pfafft:
  12. rle:
  13. wavepack1:
  14. wavepack2:
  15. wavetrans1:
  16. wavetrans2:
  17. wpc:
  18. wpc1:
  19. wpc1coding:
  20. wpc1quant:
  21. wpc1trans:
  22. wpccoding:
  23. wpcendec:
  24. wpchuff:
  25. wpcpack2:
  26. wpcquant:
  27. wpcsilence:

Math and Stat Functions

  1. airy:
  2. frannor:
  3. franuni:
  4. mkdiff:
  5. quant:
  6. quest:
  7. sinc:
  8. waveforms:

Complex Numbers

  1. complex:
  2. complexd:
  3. complexf:
  4. complexfd:

Time Series

  1. convolution:
  2. xcor:

Data Fitting

  1. linregress:


  1. sort:
  2. xindex:


  1. zasc:
  2. zebc:

Interpolation and Antialiasing

  1. antialias:
  2. cubicspline:
  3. intcub:
  4. intl2b:
  5. intlin:
  6. intlinc:
  7. intsinc8:
  8. inttable8:
  9. mksinc:
  10. ressinc8:
  11. shfs8r:
  12. yclip:
  13. yxtoxy:

Filtering and Prediction

  1. butterworth:
  2. holbergd1:
  3. lpred:
  4. mkhdiff:

Solvers and Linear Algebra

  1. axb:
  2. dblas:
  3. dge:
  4. mnewt:
  5. sblas:
  6. sge:
  7. sqr:
  8. stoep:
  9. symmeigen:
  10. tridiagonal:
  11. vandermonde:


  1. check:
  2. circum:
  3. colinear:
  4. create:
  5. delete:
  6. distance:
  7. fixedges:
  8. inside:
  9. nearest:
  10. polar:
  11. project:
  12. tetra:


  1. alloc:
  2. argv:
  3. bigmatrix:
  4. buffalloc:
  5. dctalloc:
  6. exit:
  7. fgettr:
  8. fputtr:
  9. hdrpkge:
  10. readwrite:
  11. swapbyte:
  12. valpkge:
  13. wbuffalloc:
  14. wpcbuffal: