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This is the current agenda for the meeting. Minor changes are expected<br>
==EAGE Workshop Friday 8 June, 2012 9:00 – 17:00 hrs==
==EAGE Workshop Open-source E&P Software - Six Years Later ==
===Open-source E+P Software - Six Years Later===
Friday 8 June, 2012 9:00 – 17:00 hrs
Convenors: Joseph Dellinger (BP), Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin), Helene Huck (dGB) & Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)
===Workshop description ===
Open-source E&P Software - Six Years Later
Convenors: Joseph Dellinger (BP), Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin), Helene Huck (dGB), and Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)
Friday 8 June, 09:00 - 17:00 hrs
Friday 8 June, 09:00 - 17:00 hrs
In the six years since the 2006 EAGE workshop "Open-source E+P software - putting the pieces together" there has been considerable progress. Although no single "standard" has emerged, there are now several contenders. Far from being an "academic curiosity", commercial processing is now performed using open-source packages. Reproducible research has become routine for many academics. Some exciting new packages have emerged that deserve to be better known. We invite developers and users to present recent progress in open-source E+P software, and to brainstorm how to collaborate and use what's available.<br><br>
In the six years since the 2006 EAGE workshop [http://www.eage.org/events/index.php?evp=274&eventid=1&ActiveMenu=16&Opendivs=s2,s11,s13 (announcement)] [http://sepwww.stanford.edu/oldsep/joe/Vienna/Workshop2.pdf (abstracts)] there has been considerable progress. Although no single "standard" has emerged, there are now several contenders. Far from being an "academic curiosity", commercial processing is now performed using open-source packages. Reproducible research has become routine for many academics. Some exciting new packages have emerged that deserve to be better known. We invite developers and users to present recent progress in open-source E+P software, and to brainstorm how to collaborate and use what's available.<br><br>
The economic benefits of a collaborative open-source exploration and production processing and research software environment would be enormous. Skilled geophysicists could spend more of their time doing innovative geophysics instead of mediocre computer science. Technical advances could be quickly shared and reproduced instead of laboriously re-invented and reverse-engineered. Oil companies, contractors, academics, and individuals would all benefit. There are now several packages that are comprehensive enough that for some purposes they might fill that bill. Unfortunately, not all of these are as well known as they deserve to be. And as always, there remains a pressing need for better collaboration so that existing efforts may be combined instead of dissipated.<br><br>
The economic benefits of a collaborative open-source exploration and production processing and research software environment would be enormous. Skilled geophysicists could spend more of their time doing innovative geophysics instead of mediocre computer science. Technical advances could be quickly shared and reproduced instead of laboriously re-invented and reverse-engineered. Oil companies, contractors, academics, and individuals would all benefit. There are now several packages that are comprehensive enough that for some purposes they might fill that bill. Unfortunately, not all of these are as well known as they deserve to be. And as always, there remains a pressing need for better collaboration so that existing efforts may be combined instead of dissipated.<br><br>
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{| align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"  
{| align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"  
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Workshop Introduction
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Workshop Introduction
| 09:00
| 09:00
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
! colspan="2" | A short history of E+P open source
| A short history of E&P open source
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Ymc2aVRHcjd6Q1k slides]
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Keynote  
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Keynote  
| 09:15
| 09:15
! Victoria Stodden (Columbia University)  
! Victoria Stodden (Columbia University)  
! colspan="2" | The central role of geophysics in the reproducible research movement
| The central role of geophysics in the reproducible research movement  
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8SkdXTEVvektlY2c Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8THJyZFVjbV94aGM Slides]
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
| 09:45   
| 09:45   
! Bjorn Olofsson (Seabird Exploration)
! Bjorn Olofsson (Seabird Exploration)
| SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system
| SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8UUlheFI5NktUb0dGazdTdTBYOUFRdw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8UUlheFI5NktUb0dGazdTdTBYOUFRdw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8ajAtRjNwWEpVNDA Poster]
| 09:50   
| 09:50   
! Nick Tanushev (Z-Terra)
! Nick Tanushev (Z-Terra)
| Comparison of open source seismic processing systems
| Comparison of open source seismic processing systems
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YThZNXhUUUFSX0dnVVFPMjJPbk5mZw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8YThZNXhUUUFSX0dnVVFPMjJPbk5mZw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8TF9GUlJnZ3h5RVk Poster]
| 09:55  
| 09:55  
! Chuck Mosher (ConocoPhillips)  
! Chuck Mosher (ConocoPhillips)  
| Parallel I/O and computing in JavaSeis
| Parallel I/O and computing in JavaSeis
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8eVpkX1ZlTzBUcDZpc3gyNDZFWDRkUQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8eVpkX1ZlTzBUcDZpc3gyNDZFWDRkUQ Abstract]
| 10:00  
| 10:00  
! Ricardo Biloti (UNICAMP)
! Ricardo Biloti (UNICAMP)
| GeBR: a free seismic processing interface
| GeBR: a free seismic processing interface
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T3FIM2hkMHFTR2VXNWJmSk1XcnVkdw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T3FIM2hkMHFTR2VXNWJmSk1XcnVkdw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8UkJLcmJZVWZZWW8 Slides]
  [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RWF6OWtuQkJGU1E Poster]
| 10:05  
| 10:05  
! German Garabito (UFRN)
! German Garabito (UFRN)
| BotoSeis: an Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix
| BotoSeis: an Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWwtdzVNR1pUVUdic213YVNTYVVoQQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8VWwtdzVNR1pUVUdic213YVNTYVVoQQ Abstract]
| 10:10
| 10:10
! colspan="3" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | The Open Source Trend in Geophysics
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | The Open Source Trend in Geophysics
| 10:40  
| 10:40  
! J.I. Selvage (BG)  
! Charles Jones (BG)  
| Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software
| Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MkFDSDh2WnhSQldSbmNFZVpWdXc3UQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8MkFDSDh2WnhSQldSbmNFZVpWdXc3UQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8dkFDTkxPZVAtMDA Slides]
| 11:00  
| 11:00  
! Helene Huck (dGB)  
! Helene Huck (dGB)  
| The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect,<br>the open source seismic interpretation software  
| The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect,<br>the open source seismic interpretation software  
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8VWxZTGxDOGpUWi1TYW1URnV1LWRhdw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8VWxZTGxDOGpUWi1TYW1URnV1LWRhdw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8c0d1Njk5RkE5Ujg Slides]
| 11:20  
| 11:20  
! Matt Hall (Agile Geoscience)
! Matt Hall (Agile Geoscience)
| Open mobile geocomputing
| Open mobile geocomputing
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RVNyNUpXaWhUNEN4ZUFYYXBBZTVzdw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RVNyNUpXaWhUNEN4ZUFYYXBBZTVzdw Abstract]
| [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2012/7/27/the-evolution-of-open-mobile-geocomputing.html video]
| 11:40
| 11:40
! colspan="3" style="background:#efefef;" | Morning Wrap Up
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Morning Wrap Up
| 11:45  
| 11:45  
! colspan="3" style="background:#efefef;" | Lunch
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Lunch
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Reproducibility
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Reproducibility
| 12:50
| 12:50
! Sergey Fomel (University of Texas at Austin)
! Sergey Fomel (University of Texas at Austin)
! colspan="2" | Madagascar open-source project -- Six years later
! colspan="2" | Madagascar open-source project -- Six years later
| [http://reproducibility.org/wikilocal/docs/copenhagen.pdf Slides] (8.3M)
! colspan="4" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Poster Introductions
| 13:10  
| 13:10  
! Akshay Gulati (CGGVeritas)  
! Akshay Gulati (CGGVeritas)  
| Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data
| Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8aXVIWnZsRTJRdkN0ajJWQVJiMFFJUQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8aXVIWnZsRTJRdkN0ajJWQVJiMFFJUQ Abstract]
| 13:15  
| 13:15  
! Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin)
! Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin)
| Open data library with open software scripts
| Open data library with open software scripts
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8dm81QzdWM2lUdVNkT0I2MGlSNi1zQQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8dm81QzdWM2lUdVNkT0I2MGlSNi1zQQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T0NNWE9QVEswbms Slides]
| 13:20  
| 13:20  
! Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail
! Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail
| Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab
| Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab
| [http://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8azFkU2VPTTBTT085MXZ6Z3ZhRk8wQQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8azFkU2VPTTBTT085MXZ6Z3ZhRk8wQQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8c0lNY1JDdE9ERjQ Slides]
| 13:25  
| 13:25  
! Thomas Lasseter (GeoCloud Systems)  
! Thomas Lasseter (GeoCloud Systems)  
| An open-source real time data model and database
| An open-source real time data model and database
| [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8YjdlQXpTMHRTTG1ad3B5TUxMNWd4dw/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8YjdlQXpTMHRTTG1ad3B5TUxMNWd4dw Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8V0owMUM2emM2TzA Slides]
| 13:30  
| 13:30  
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
! Joe Dellinger (BP)  
| BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets
| BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets
| [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8WG9Md05yc0tTZTZURVVrNWtLenluUQ/edit Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8WG9Md05yc0tTZTZURVVrNWtLenluUQ Abstract]
| 13:40
! colspan="4" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Processing Systems and Frameworks
| 14:15
! John Stockwell (Colorado School of Mines)
| A course in geophysical imaging processing using Seismic Unix
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8QmVJNG9YaW9RNHlzT01ITm5sYjZnUQ Abstract]
| 14:35
! Robert Clapp (Stanford University)
| SEPlib
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Zlc1ZlExS1FSc1NPWFk5WHRaN1FqUQ Abstract]
| 13:35
| 14:55
! colspan="3" style="background:#efefef;" | Poster Viewing
! William Symes (Rice University)
| Frameworks for modeling and inversion
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8T0ZZZElfeEZRQWUwekFYaVNqVFM5QQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8Tk00LWlDandJdjA Slides]
| 15:15
! Didrik Pinte (Enthought)
| Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8MUZTQ2NYQU9SWWFidEFFYXBERE9iQQ Abstract]
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8d3BTMEI2a1U5NGM Slides]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Data Blitz
| 15:35  
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Lightning talks, open presentations each less than 5 minutes (Karl Schleicher timekeeper)<br>Signup for a spot!
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8RlN6NWdXSVRUSmk3MDZQY3JNZ2FyZw Abstract]
! colspan="5" style="background:#ffdead;" | Panel
| 16:00
! colspan="2" style="background:#efefef;" | Challenges facing open source software developers and users (Tariq Alkhalifah moderator)
| [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8a2EwY1F4R0tRdHF6S3lVQ2xBQkFtZw Abstract]
===Poster Viewing===
=== Reports on the workshop ===
Link to Matt Hall's blog [http://www.agilegeoscience.com/journal/2012/6/12/two-decades-of-geophysics-freedom.html web blog]<br><br>
Karl Schleicher's ppt [http://docs.google.com/open?id=0B_notXWcvuh8enlzVnZIdzlIQnM utexas seminar presentation]<br><br>
===Processing Systems and Frameworks===
02:10 PM John Stockwell, Colorado School of Mines, '''A course in geophysical imaging processing using seismic unix''' [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8QmVJNG9YaW9RNHlzT01ITm5sYjZnUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:30 PM Robert Clapp, Stanford University, '''SEPlib''' [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8Zlc1ZlExS1FSc1NPWFk5WHRaN1FqUQ/edit Abstract]<br>
02:50 PM William Symes, Rice University, '''Frameworks for modeling and inversion''' [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8T0ZZZElfeEZRQWUwekFYaVNqVFM5QQ/edit Abstract]<br>
03:10 PM Didrik Pinta, Enthought, '''Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization''' [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8MUZTQ2NYQU9SWWFidEFFYXBERE9iQQ/edit Abstract]<br>
===Data Blitz===
03:30 PM Lightning Talks, Karl Schleicher timekeeper, '''open presentations each less than 5 minutes'''. Signup for a spot! [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8RlN6NWdXSVRUSmk3MDZQY3JNZ2FyZw/edit Abstract]<br>
04:00 PM '''Challenges facing open source software developers and users''', moderated by Tariq Alkhalifah [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_notXWcvuh8a2EwY1F4R0tRdHF6S3lVQ2xBQkFtZw/edit Abstract]<br>
=== Abstracts from EAGE Vienna Workshop: Open-Source E+P Software - Putting the pieces together ===
05:00 PM<br>
[http://sepwww.stanford.edu/oldsep/joe/Vienna/Workshop2.pdf 2006 abstracts]

Latest revision as of 13:31, 10 August 2013


EAGE Workshop Open-source E&P Software - Six Years Later

Friday 8 June, 2012 9:00 – 17:00 hrs

Workshop description

Open-source E&P Software - Six Years Later Convenors: Joseph Dellinger (BP), Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin), Helene Huck (dGB), and Tariq Alkhalifah (KAUST)

Friday 8 June, 09:00 - 17:00 hrs

In the six years since the 2006 EAGE workshop (announcement) (abstracts) there has been considerable progress. Although no single "standard" has emerged, there are now several contenders. Far from being an "academic curiosity", commercial processing is now performed using open-source packages. Reproducible research has become routine for many academics. Some exciting new packages have emerged that deserve to be better known. We invite developers and users to present recent progress in open-source E+P software, and to brainstorm how to collaborate and use what's available.

The economic benefits of a collaborative open-source exploration and production processing and research software environment would be enormous. Skilled geophysicists could spend more of their time doing innovative geophysics instead of mediocre computer science. Technical advances could be quickly shared and reproduced instead of laboriously re-invented and reverse-engineered. Oil companies, contractors, academics, and individuals would all benefit. There are now several packages that are comprehensive enough that for some purposes they might fill that bill. Unfortunately, not all of these are as well known as they deserve to be. And as always, there remains a pressing need for better collaboration so that existing efforts may be combined instead of dissipated.

We are seeking presentations from those with a vision of where we need to go, from those who have useful pieces or techniques they would like to show off, and especially from those who believe they can already demonstrate a practical working success (or a glorious failure). The emphasis should be on showing off useful capabilities and good ideas, not technical implementation details. What makes your software interesting? We request lighting talks (5 minutes) with or without a poster presentation. A limited number of presenters will be able to give interactive demonstrations from their laptop onto a screen instead of a poster. There will be a few longer keynote talks and a panel discussion to wrap up the session. The panel will discuss: What pieces are now "ready"? What pieces are yet missing? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the most promising packages discussed? What sorts of collaboration might address those weaknesses?


Workshop Introduction
09:00 Joe Dellinger (BP) A short history of E&P open source slides
09:15 Victoria Stodden (Columbia University) The central role of geophysics in the reproducible research movement Abstract Slides
Poster Introductions
09:45 Bjorn Olofsson (Seabird Exploration) SeaSeis: a simple open-source seismic data processing system Abstract Poster
09:50 Nick Tanushev (Z-Terra) Comparison of open source seismic processing systems Abstract Poster
09:55 Chuck Mosher (ConocoPhillips) Parallel I/O and computing in JavaSeis Abstract
10:00 Ricardo Biloti (UNICAMP) GeBR: a free seismic processing interface Abstract Slides
10:05 German Garabito (UFRN) BotoSeis: an Interactive interface for seismic processing with Seismic Unix Abstract
10:10 Poster Viewing
The Open Source Trend in Geophysics
10:40 Charles Jones (BG) Enhancing geophysical data analysis with open-source software Abstract Slides
11:00 Helene Huck (dGB) The road to open source: sharing a ten years experience in building OpendTect,
the open source seismic interpretation software
Abstract Slides
11:20 Matt Hall (Agile Geoscience) Open mobile geocomputing Abstract video
11:40 Morning Wrap Up
11:45 Lunch
12:50 Sergey Fomel (University of Texas at Austin) Madagascar open-source project -- Six years later Slides (8.3M)
Poster Introductions
13:10 Akshay Gulati (CGGVeritas) Processing and attribute analysis of low-frequency Blackfoot data Abstract
13:15 Karl Schleicher (University of Texas at Austin) Open data library with open software scripts Abstract Slides
13:20 Abdullatif A Al-Shuhail Processing of seismic reflection data using Matlab Abstract Slides
13:25 Thomas Lasseter (GeoCloud Systems) An open-source real time data model and database Abstract Slides
13:30 Joe Dellinger (BP) BP's experience with open-source software and open datasets Abstract
13:40 Poster Viewing
Processing Systems and Frameworks
14:15 John Stockwell (Colorado School of Mines) A course in geophysical imaging processing using Seismic Unix Abstract
14:35 Robert Clapp (Stanford University) SEPlib Abstract
14:55 William Symes (Rice University) Frameworks for modeling and inversion Abstract Slides
15:15 Didrik Pinte (Enthought) Python for Geophysical data processing and Visualization Abstract Slides
Data Blitz
15:35 Lightning talks, open presentations each less than 5 minutes (Karl Schleicher timekeeper)
Signup for a spot!
16:00 Challenges facing open source software developers and users (Tariq Alkhalifah moderator) Abstract

Reports on the workshop

Link to Matt Hall's blog web blog

Karl Schleicher's ppt utexas seminar presentation

Abstracts from EAGE Vienna Workshop: Open-Source E+P Software - Putting the pieces together

2006 abstracts