Difference between revisions of "SEPlib to m8r dictionary"

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(→‎Programs: Wedge)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 77: Line 77:
* Operplot
* Operplot
* Overlay
* Overlay
* Pad: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfpad.html sfpad] for padding with zeros, or [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfspray.html sfspray] for extending with the last value (equivalent with Pad with extend option)
* Pad: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfpad.html sfpad] for padding with zeros, or [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfspray.html sfspray] for extending with the last value. Using sfspray directly will result in extending over an additional axis. To have an actual equivalent to Pad with extend option (extension across the same axis), sfspray can be used together with sfcat, i.e.: <tt>< inp.rsf sfwindow f2=-1 | sfspray axis=2 n=10 | sfcat axis=2 order=2,1 inp.rsf > out.rsf</tt>
* Pef: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfpef.html sfpef]
* Pef: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfpef.html sfpef]
* Phase: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfsrmig3.html sfsrmig3] or [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfcamig3.html sfcamig3]
* Phase: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfsrmig3.html sfsrmig3] or [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfcamig3.html sfcamig3]
Line 116: Line 116:
* Vel:  [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfmakevel.html sfmakevel]
* Vel:  [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfmakevel.html sfmakevel]
* Wavelet
* Wavelet
* Wedge: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfspray.html sfspray]: <tt>Wedge axis= nn= oo= dd=</tt> is equivalent to <tt>sfspray axis= n= o= d=</tt>
* Wiggle: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfwiggle.html sfwiggle]
* Wiggle: [http://www.ahay.org/RSF/sfwiggle.html sfwiggle]
* Window3d
* Window3d

Latest revision as of 20:06, 7 November 2012

SEPlib is a software package for seismic data processing developed at the Stanford Exploration Project. The dictionary below is intended for SEPlib users who are interested in either using Madagascar (m8r) or in finding out which algorithms/utilities are present in m8r, but not in SEPlib.

A m8r program, or a chain of m8r programs, will be considered equivalent to a SEPlib counterpart only if it has at least all the capabilities of its SEPlib counterpart. The fact that two of Claerbout's books (Basic Earth Imaging and Imaging Estimation by Example) and several SEP report articles have been reproduced with Madagascar shows that at least a significant subset of SEPlib is fully translatable. Individual programs may not be equivalent option-for-option. Like Lego blocks, they come together only when data flow examples are created from them, and such flows can certainly made fully equivalent even if the "building blocks" may differ slightly.

The starting point of the list below was the list of manual pages in SEPlib 6.5.3 (docs/man/man{1,3}/*.mn in the source code distribution). For programs, those files starting with a capital leter (the SEPlib convention for program names) were considered.


Library procedures

  • adj_mod
  • alloc
  • array
  • autocorr
  • auxclose
  • auxpar
  • auxputch
  • auxputhead
  • binpull1
  • binpull2
  • bound
  • boxconv
  • box
  • broyden_mod
  • burg2
  • burg
  • butter
  • c2h
  • cadd
  • cartesian
  • causint
  • cdiv
  • cdoubint
  • cdstep
  • cefft
  • cent
  • cexp
  • cgmeth
  • cgstep
  • chain
  • ciexp
  • cinv
  • clog
  • cmplx
  • cmult
  • cneg
  • compress
  • conjg
  • conjgrad
  • conv
  • copy_data_pointer
  • copy_history
  • createhelix
  • createmshelix
  • createnhelix
  • cross_wilson
  • csmult
  • cspow
  • csqrt
  • csub
  • cvfft
  • datapath
  • ddot
  • doc
  • dottest
  • energy
  • evaluate_expression
  • fastmarch
  • fetch
  • finish_susep
  • fold
  • fullnm
  • gauss
  • getch_add_string
  • getch
  • h2c
  • halfdifa
  • hclose
  • hconest
  • helderiv
  • heliarr
  • helicon
  • helixcartmod
  • helix
  • hetch
  • hwt_trace_rays
  • hwt_travel_cube
  • igrad1
  • igrad2
  • init_3d
  • initpar
  • init_sep3d
  • init_sep3d_par
  • init_sep3d_tag
  • integer
  • interpolate_mod
  • invint2
  • irls
  • lapfac
  • lint1
  • lint2
  • lopef
  • lsqr
  • make_unpipe
  • matmult
  • misinput
  • mshconest
  • mshelicon
  • nbound
  • nhconest
  • nhelicon
  • nhelix
  • nmis2
  • nmo_mod
  • nonlin_solver
  • npef
  • npolydiv
  • pad_it
  • partan
  • patch
  • pefest
  • pef
  • polydiv
  • pqueue
  • print_sep3d
  • putch
  • puthead
  • quantile
  • quick_sort
  • refft
  • refine2
  • regrid
  • rms2int
  • rvfft
  • sep3d_add_drn
  • sep3d_axes_allocate
  • sep3d_axis_index
  • sep3dc_clean
  • sep3dc_collect_data
  • sep3dc_collect_headers
  • sep3dc_conform
  • sep3dc_coord_copy
  • sep3dc_copy
  • sep3dc_delete
  • sep3dc_desection_tag
  • sep3dc_distribute_data
  • sep3dc_distribute_headers
  • sep3dc_ge_space
  • sep3dc_grab_grid_values
  • sep3dc_grab_headers
  • sep3dc_grab_key_vali
  • sep3dc_grab_key_vals
  • sep3dc_grid_copy
  • sep3dc_header_copy
  • sep3dc_inorder
  • sep3dc_key_index
  • sep3dc_local_buffer_size
  • sep_3d_close
  • sep3dc_ndims
  • sep3d_collect_data
  • sep3d_collect_headers
  • sep3d_conform
  • sep3d_copy
  • sep3dc_read_data
  • sep3dc_reshape
  • sep3dc_rite_num_traces
  • sep3dc_section_tag
  • sep3dc_set_grid_values
  • sep3dc_set_key_vals
  • sep3dc_set_number_headers
  • sep3dc_update_ntraces
  • sep3dc_write_description
  • sep3dc_write_status
  • sep3d_desection
  • sep3d_distribute_data
  • sep3d_distribute_headers
  • sep3df
  • sep3d_ge_space
  • sep3d_grab_coords
  • sep3d_grab_grid_values
  • sep3d_grab_headers
  • sep3d_grab_key_vals
  • sep3d_grab_sect_param
  • sep3d_grab_sep3d
  • sep3d_grid_copy
  • sep3d_header_copy
  • sep3d_initialize
  • sep3d_key_allocate
  • sep3d_key_index
  • sep3d_local_buffer_size
  • sep3d_ndims
  • sep3d_own
  • sep3d_read_data
  • sep3d_reshape
  • sep3d_rite_num_traces
  • sep3d_section
  • sep3d_section_tag
  • sep3d_set_coords
  • sep3d_set_key_vals
  • sep3d_set_number_headers
  • sep3d_set_sect_param
  • sep3d_set_sep3d
  • sep3d_store_grid_values
  • sep3d_synch
  • sep3d_update_ntraces
  • sep3d_with_drn
  • sep3d_write_data
  • sep3d_write_description
  • separg
  • sep_copy_gff
  • sep_copy_grid
  • sep_copy_header_keys
  • sep_copy_hff
  • seperr
  • sep_extract_val_by_index
  • sep_get_data_axis_par
  • sep_get_grid_axis_par
  • sep_get_grid_window
  • sep_get_header_axis_par
  • sep_get_key_fmt
  • sep_get_key_index
  • sep_get_key_name
  • sep_get_key_type
  • sep_get_number_data_axes
  • sep_get_number_grid_axes
  • sep_get_number_header_axes
  • sep_get_number_keys
  • sep_get_val_by_index
  • sep_get_val_by_name
  • sep_get_val_headers
  • sep_put_data_axis_par
  • sep_put_grid_axis_par
  • sep_put_grid_window
  • sep_put_header_axis_par
  • sep_put_key
  • sep_put_number_keys
  • sep_put_val_by_index
  • sep_put_val_headers
  • sep_reorder_data_fast
  • sep_reorder_data
  • sep_set_no_grid
  • sep_set_no_headers
  • sepwarn
  • sgainpar
  • signoi
  • slice
  • solver
  • solver_prec
  • solver_reg
  • spp
  • sqroot
  • sreed
  • sreed_window
  • srite
  • srite_window
  • sseek_block
  • sseek
  • ssize_block
  • ssize
  • steepdip
  • steering
  • tgettr
  • tputtr
  • triangle1
  • triangle2
  • triangle
  • valid_structure
  • velan_subs_mod
  • velsimp
  • veltran
  • weicam_init
  • weight
  • weihcig_init
  • weihcig
  • weipcig_init
  • weipcig
  • weisll_init
  • weisll
  • weissf_init
  • weissf
  • weiwem_init
  • weiwem
  • wilson