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Write your own code and run it as a test

You have to
  1. create a user directory in /RSFSRC/user/dirname, where dirname is the directory name, for example, 'pyang'.
  2. copy a SConstruct from other existing users, and use it as a template to create your own things. For example, take /RSFSRC/user/psava/SConstruct. Assume you are going to do C programming to generate a target executable sfmodeling2d. You need to empty all other code list while add a name in C code list: \begin{lstlisting}
import os, systry:
import bldutil
glob_build = True  ...

  3. Use text editor (emacs, gedit, ...) to create a file Mmodeling2d.c (which will generate the target sfmodeling2d, M will be automatically replaced by sf). In Mmodeling2d.c, start your codes by including the RSF header file: #include <rsf.h>, which defines many useful interfaces/subroutines for the convenience of data I/O (including parameters and files)
    and memory allocation for the variables
    which will be used frequently when coding with Madagascar.

  4. specify your input and output files, and initialize Madagascar:
sf_file vinit, shots; /* input and output file*/
... model in m/s */
shots=sf_output(''out''); /* output image */
\end{lstlisting} Here the input file vinit is the velocity model, while the output shots is a shot gather (or many shots) collected at many receivers for different sources.
  5. read the parameters from the input file using the interfaces Madagascar prepared: sf_hist*(),sf_get*() \begin{lstlisting}
/* get parameters for forward modeling */
if (!sf_histint(vin...
/* default, common shot-gather; if n, record at every point*/

  6. specify the parameters for the output file using the interfaces Madagascar prepared: sf_put*() \begin{lstlisting}
/* put the labels, legends and parameters in output */

  7. allocate memory for the arries, format: sf_floatalloc2(n1,n2) \begin{lstlisting}
/* allocate the variables */

  8. do your own computation (forward simulation) as usual. The whole time stepping looks like \begin{lstlisting}
...1=p2; p2=ptr;
record_seis(&dobs[it*ng], gxz, p0, ng, nz);

  9. free the variables \begin{lstlisting}
/* free the variables */
fr...*p0); free(p0);
free(*p1); free(p1);
free(*p2); free(p2);\end{lstlisting}

  10. Finally, you end up with a complete code /RSFSRC/user/pyang/Mmodeling2d.c. You can go into directory RSFSRC, compile and install the target executable sfmodeling2d:
       cd $RSFSRC
       scons install
    If there exists any error in your code, you will get the reporting message in the terminal.

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