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Trace Data from Point Source

The same point source as in the previous example produces sthe traces at 6 m depth depicted in Figure 6. The sampling is also pure point, that is, does not filter the potential field in any way. So this trace data could be interpreted as the 2D pressure traces of a point source with 5 Hz Gaussian pulse, for example. In this case, the required parameters are
           csq = ../csq_4layer.rsf
        source = ../
          data = ../
As noted before, there is nothing sacred about the string data - any keyword identified in the I/O key struct as output from uc would do just as well. This key is provided for mnemonic convenience. Note that the file data structure ( entirely determines the way in which the data is written - sampling, source and receiver geometry are all taken from this file.

Figure 6.
Response of seafloor pressure sensor at 1.875 km depth, to 400 shots spaced 25 m apart at 6 m depth, source is isotropic point radiator, source pulse is Gaussian derivative with peak frequency 5 Hz,
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