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Related work

A domain decomposition variant of the sweeping preconditioner was recently introduced (37) which results in fast convergence rates, albeit at the expense of requiring PML padding on both sides of each subdomain. Recalling our previous analysis with respect to the PML size, $ \gamma$ , the memory usage of the preconditioner scales linearly with the PML size, while the setup cost scales quadratically. Thus, the domain decomposition approach should be expected to use twice as much memory and require four times as much work for the setup phase. On the other hand, doubling the subdomain sizes allows for more parallelism in both the setup and solve phases, and less sweeps seem to be required.

Another closely related method is the Analytic ILU factorization (19). Like the sweeping preconditioner, it uses local approximations of the Schur complements of the block $ LDL^T$ factorization of the Helmholtz matrix represented in block tridiagonal form. There are two crucial differences between the two methods:

These two improvements are responsible for transitioning from the $ O(\omega)$ iterations required with AILU to the $ O(1)$ iterations needed with the sweeping preconditioner (for problems without large cavities).

Two other iterative methods warrant mentioning: the two-grid shifted-Laplacian approach of (8) and the multilevel-ILU approach of (6). Though both require $ O(\omega)$ iterations for convergence, they have very modest memory requirements. In particular, (8) demonstrates that, with a properly tuned two-grid approach, large-scale heterogeneous 3D problems can be solved with impressive timings.

There has also been a recent effort to extend the fast-direct methods presented in (43) from definite elliptic problems into the realm of low-to-moderate frequency time-harmonic wave equations (40,41). In particular, their experiments (see Table 3 of (40)) suggest an asymptotic complexity of roughly $ O(N^{1.8})$ , which is a noticeable improvement over the $ O(N^2)$ complexity of traditional 3D sparse-direct methods.

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