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Layered orthorhombic model

We also test the accuracy of the proposed approximation in a three-layer orthorhombic model over flat reflector with parameters (Layer 1-3) listed in Table 1. The thicknesses of the three layers are 0.25, 0.45, and 0.3 $ km$ respectively. For previously proposed approximations, the effective coefficients are calculated, as the original authors suggested, by the VTI averaging relationship (Tsvankin and Thomsen, 1994; Hake et al., 1984). The reference rays for the proposed approximation (equation 1) were shot at $ P_{x1} = 0.254$ and $ P_{y1}=0.0$ along $ x$ -axis, at $ P_{x2} = 0$ and $ P_{y2}=0.24$ along $ y$ -axis, at $ P_{x3}=0.195$ and $ P_{y3}=0.166$ along $ x=y$ , and at $ P_{x4}=0.21$ and $ P_{y4}=-0.182$ along $ x=-y$ . The proposed generalized approximation performs with the highest accuracy (Figure 4).
