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Appendix A: Expansion in $\theta $

To derive a traveltime equation in terms of perturbations in $\theta $, we first establish the form for the governing equation for TI media given by the eikonal representation. The eikonal equation for $p$-waves in TI media in 2D (for simplicity) is given by

    $\displaystyle {v^2} (1+2 \eta) \,{\left(\cos\theta \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial x} + \sin\theta \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial z}\right)^2 } +$  
    $\displaystyle {{{v_t}}^2}\,{\left( \cos\theta \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial z}-...
...{\partial x} +\sin\theta \frac{\partial \tau}{\partial z} \right)^2} \right)=1.$ (25)

To solve equation A-1 through perturbation theory, we assume that $\theta $ is small, and thus, a trial solution can be expressed as a series expansion in $\sin\theta$ given by
\tau(x,z) \approx \tau_0(x,z) +\tau_1(x,z) \sin\theta+ \tau_2(x,z) \sin^{2}\theta,
\end{displaymath} (26)

where $\tau_0$, $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ are coefficients of the expansion given in units of traveltime, and, for practicality, terminated at the second power of $\sin\theta$. Inserting the trial solution, equation A-2, into equation A-1 yields a long formula, but by setting $\sin\theta=0$, I obtain the zeroth-order term given by
$\displaystyle {v^2} (1+2 \eta) \,{\left(\frac{\partial \tau_{0}}{\partial x}\ri...
... \eta {v^2} \,{ \left(\frac{\partial \tau_{0}}{\partial x}\right)^2} \right)=1,$     (27)

which is the eikonal formula for VTI anisotropy. By equating the coefficients of the powers of the independent parameter $\sin\theta$, in succession, we end up first with the coefficients of first-power in $\sin\theta$, simplified by using equation A-3, and given by
$\displaystyle v^2 \frac{\partial \tau _1}{\partial x}
\left( (2 \eta +1) \frac...
...ial \tau _0}{\partial x}\right)^2 \frac{\partial
\tau _0}{\partial z}\right) =$      
$\displaystyle 2 v^2 v_t^2 \eta \left( \frac{\partial
\tau _0}{\partial x} \lef...
...v_t^2 \frac{\partial \tau
_0}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \tau _0}{\partial z},$     (28)

which is a first-order linear partial differential equation in $\tau_1$. The coefficient of $\sin\theta^{2}$, with some manipulation, has the following form
$\displaystyle 2 v^2 \frac{\partial \tau_2}{\partial x} \left( (2 \eta +1)
\fra... \tau _0}{\partial
x}\right)^2 \frac{\partial \tau _0}{\partial
z}\right) =$      
$\displaystyle v^2 (2 \eta +1) \left(\frac{\partial \tau
_0}{\partial x}\right)...
...{\partial x}\right)^2+v_t^2 \left(\frac{\partial \tau
_0}{\partial z}\right)^2$      
$\displaystyle +4 v^2 v_t^2 \eta \frac{\partial \tau _1}{\partial x}
\left(\fra... _1}{\partial x}\right)^2
\left(\frac{\partial \tau _0}{\partial z}\right)^2$      
$\displaystyle +12 v^2 v_t^2
\eta \frac{\partial \tau _0}{\partial x} \frac{\pa... x}
\frac{\partial \tau _1}{\partial z} \frac{\partial \tau _0}{\partial
$\displaystyle -v^2 (2 \eta +1) \left(\frac{\partial \tau _1}{\partial
...a +1) \frac{\partial \tau
_0}{\partial x} \frac{\partial \tau _1}{\partial z},$     (29)

which is again a first-order linear partial differential equation in $\tau_2$ with an obviously more complicated source function given by the right-hand side. Though the equation seems complicated, many of the variables of the source function (right-hand side) can be evaluated during the evaluation of equations A-3 and A-4 in a fashion that will not add much to the cost.

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