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In practice, integration of discrete data is performed by stacking. In theory, it is convenient to represent a stacking operator in the form of a continuous integral:

$\displaystyle S(t,y)= {\bf A}\left[M(z,x)\right]= \int\limits_{\Omega} w(x;t,y) M(\theta(x;t,y),x) dx\;.$ (1)

Function $ M(z,x)$ is the input of the operator, $ S(t,y)$ is the output, $ \Omega$ is the summation aperture, $ \theta$ represents the summation path, and $ w$ stands for the weighting function. The range of integration (the operator aperture) may also depend on $ t$ and $ y$ . Allowing $ x$ to be a two-dimensional variable, we can use definition (1) to represent an operator applied to three-dimensional data. Throughout this paper, I assume that $ t$ and $ z$ belong to a one-dimensional space, and that $ x$ and $ y$ have the same number of dimensions.

The goal of inversion is to reconstruct some function $ \widehat{M}(z,x)$ for a given $ S(t,y)$ , so that $ \widehat{M}$ is in some sense close to $ M$ in equation (1).

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