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Time-power amplitude-gain correction

Raw seismic reflection data come in the form of shot gathers $S(x,t)$, where $x$ is the offset (horizontal distance from the receiver to the source) and $t$ is recording time. Raw data are inconvenient for analysis because of rapid amplitude decay of seismic waves. The decay can be compensated by multiplying the data by a gain function. A commonly used function is a power of time. The gain-compensated gather is

S_\alpha(x,t) = t^{\alpha} S(x,t)\;.
\end{displaymath} (4)

The advantage of the time-power gain is its simplicity and the ability to reverse it by multiplying the data by $t^{-\alpha}$. What value of $\alpha$ should one use? Claerbout (1985) argues in favor of $\alpha=2$: one factor of $t$ comes from geometrical spreading and the other from scattering attenuation. Your task is to develop an algorithm for finding a better value of $\alpha$ for a given dataset.

Figure 3.
Seismic shot record before and after time-power gain correction.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Figure 3 shows a seismic shot record before and after applying the time-power gain (4) with $\alpha=2$. Start by reproducing this figure on your screen.

  1. Change directory to hw1/tpow
  2. Run
    scons tpow.view
  3. Edit the SConstruct file. Find where the value of $\alpha$ is specified in this file and try changing it to a different value. Run scons tpow.view again to check the result.
  4. How can we detect if the distribution of amplitudes after the gain correction is uniform? Suggest a measure (an objective function) that would take $S_\alpha(x,t)$ and produce one number that measures uniformity.
  5. By modifying the program objective.c, compute your objective function for different values of $\alpha$ and display it in a figure. Does the function appear to have a unique minimum or maximum?

    #include <rsf.h>
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        int it, nt, ix, nx, ia, na;
        float *trace, *ofunc;
        float a, a0, da, t, t0, dt, s;
        sf_file in, out;
        /* initialization */
        in = sf_input("in");
        out = sf_output("out");
        /* get trace parameters */
        if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&nt)) sf_error("Need n1=");
        if (!sf_histfloat(in,"d1",&dt)) dt=1.;
        if (!sf_histfloat(in,"o1",&t0)) t0=0.;
        /* get number of traces */
        nx = sf_leftsize(in,1);
        if (!sf_getint("na",&na)) na=1;
        /* number of alpha values */
        if (!sf_getfloat("da",&da)) da=0.;
        /* increment in alpha */
        if (!sf_getfloat("a0",&a0)) a0=0.;
        /* first value of alpha */
        /* change output data dimensions */
        trace = sf_floatalloc(nt);
        ofunc = sf_floatalloc(na);
        /* initialize */
        for (ia=0; ia < na; ia++) {
    	ofunc[ia] = 0.;
        /* loop over traces */
        for (ix=0; ix < nx; ix++) {
    	/* read data */
    	/* loop over alpha */
    	for (ia=0; ia < na; ia++) {
    	    a = a0+ia*da;
    	    /* loop over time samples */
    	    for (it=0; it < nt; it++) {
    		t = t0+it*dt;
    		/* apply gain t^alpha */
    		s = trace[it]*powf(t,a);
                    /* !!! MODIFY THE NEXT LINE !!! */
    		ofunc[ia] += s*s; 
        /* write output */

  6. Suggest an algorithm for finding an optimal value of $\alpha$ by minimizing or maximizing the objective function. Your algorithm should be able to find the optimal value without scanning all possible values. Hint: if the objective function is $f(\alpha)=F[S_\alpha(x,t)]$ and
f(\alpha) \approx f(\alpha_0) +
f'(\alpha_0) (\alpha-\alpha_0) + \frac{f''(\alpha_0)}{2} (\alpha-\alpha_0)^2
\end{displaymath} (5)

    then what is the optimal $\alpha$?
  7. EXTRA CREDIT for implementing your algorithm for an automatic estimation of $\alpha$ and testing it on the shot gather from Figure 3.

from rsf.proj import *

# Download data 

# Convert and window
     dd form=native | window min2=-2 max2=2 | 
     put label1=Time label2=Offset unit1=s unit2=km

# Display
Plot('data','grey title="(a) Original Data"')
     'pow pow1=2 | grey title="(b) Time Power Correction" ')

Result('tpow','data tpow','SideBySideAniso')

# Compute objective function
prog = Program('objective.c')
Flow('ofunc','data %s' % prog[0],
     './${SOURCES[1]} na=21 da=0.1 a0=1')

       scale axis=1 | 
       graph title="Objective Function" 
       label1=alpha label2= unit1= unit2=


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