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Missing ocean-floor data interpolation

SeaBeam is an apparatus for measuring water depth both directly under a boat and somewhat off to the sides of the boat's track. In this part of the assignment, we will use a benchmark dataset from Claerbout (2014): SeaBeam data from a single day of acquisition. The original data are shown in Figure 5a.

Figure 5.
(a) Water depth measurements from one day of SeaBeam acquisition. (b) Mask for locations of known data.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Program interpolate.c implements two alternative methods: regularized inversion using convolution with a multi-dimensional filter and preconditioning, which uses the inverse operation (recursive deconvolution or polynomial division on a helix) for model reparameterization.

Our first attempt is to use the Laplacian-factor filter from the previous homework. The results from the two methods are shown in Figure 6. They are not very successful in hiding the ``acquisition footprint''.

Figure 6.
Left: missing data interpolation using regularization by convolution with a Laplacian factor. Right: missing data interpolation using model reparameterization by deconvolution (polynomial division) with a Laplacian factor.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Next, we will try to estimate the model covariance from the available data. The covariance can be estimated using the prediction-error filter (PEF) method (Claerbout and Brown, 1999). A random realizations of the model pattern using this methods is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7.
Left: data pattern generated using PEF method for inverse covariance estimation. Right: its Fourier spectrum.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Our new attempt to interpolate missing data using the helical prediction-error filter is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8.
Left: missing data interpolation using regularization by convolution with a prediction-error filter. Right: missing data interpolation using model reparameterization by deconvolution (polynomial division) with a prediction-error filter.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

/* Multi-dimensional missing data interpolation. */

#include <rsf.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int na,ia, niter, n,i;
    float a0, *mm, *zero;
    bool prec, *known;
    char *lagfile;
    sf_filter aa;
    sf_file in, out, filt, lag, mask;

    sf_init (argc,argv);
    in = sf_input("in");
    filt = sf_input("filt");
    /* filter for inverse model covariance */
    out = sf_output("out");

    n = sf_filesize(in);

    if (!sf_getbool("prec",&prec)) prec=true;
    /* If y, use preconditioning */
    if (!sf_getint("niter",&niter)) niter=100;
    /* Number of iterations */

    if (!sf_histint(filt,"n1",&na)) sf_error("No n1=");
    aa = sf_allocatehelix (na);

    if (!sf_histfloat(filt,"a0",&a0)) a0=1.;
    /* Get filter lags */
    if (NULL == (lagfile = sf_histstring(filt,"lag"))) {
	for (ia=0; ia < na; ia++) {
    } else {
	lag = sf_input(lagfile);

    /* Get filter values */

    /* Normalize */
    for (ia=0; ia < na; ia++) {
	aa->flt[ia] /= a0;

    mm = sf_floatalloc(n);
    zero = sf_floatalloc(n);
    known = sf_boolalloc(n);

    /* specify known locations */
    mask = sf_input("mask");
    for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
	known[i] = (bool) (mm[i] != 0.0f);
	zero[i] = 0.0f;

    /* Read input data */

    if (prec) {                          
	sf_polydiv_init(n, aa);
	sf_solver_prec(sf_mask_lop, sf_cgstep, sf_polydiv_lop, 
		       n, n, n, mm, mm, niter, 0., "end");
    } else {                             
	sf_solver (sf_helicon_lop, sf_cgstep, n, n, mm, zero, 
		   niter, "known", known, "x0", mm, "end");


    exit (0);

from rsf.proj import *

# Download data
Flow('data','apr18.h','dd form=native')

def grey(title):
    return '''
    grey pclip=100 labelsz=10 titlesz=12
    transp=n yreverse=n
    label1=longitude label2=latitude title="%s"
    ''' % title

def sgrey(title):
    return '''
    grey labelsz=10 titlesz=12 allpos=y
    transp=n yreverse=n title="%s" 
    label1=1/longitude label2=1/latitude 
    ''' % title

# Bin to regular grid
     window n1=1 f1=2 | math output='(2978-input)/387' |
     bin head=$SOURCE niter=150 nx=160 ny=160 xkey=0 ykey=1

# Mask for known data
     math output="abs(input)" |
     mask min=0.001 | dd type=float

Plot('msk',grey('Mask') + ' allpos=y')

Result('seabeam0','bin msk','SideBySideAniso')

# Laplacian factorization

     echo 1 160 n1=2 n=160,160 
     data_format=ascii_int in=$TARGET
Flow('lag0','lag0.asc','dd form=native')

     echo -1 -1 a0=2 n1=2 lag=$SOURCE 
     data_format=ascii_float in=$TARGET
Flow('flt0','flt0.asc','dd form=native')

Flow('lapflt laplag','flt0',
     'wilson eps=1e-3 lagout=${TARGETS[1]}')

# Missing data interpolation with Laplacian


program = Program('interpolate.c')

for prec in (0,1):
    interp='linterp%d' % prec
    Flow(interp,'bin msk lapflt %s' % program[0],
         ./${SOURCES[3]} prec=%d niter=%d
         mask=${SOURCES[1]} filt=${SOURCES[2]}
         ''' % (prec,niter))
    Plot(interp,grey('%s preconditioning' %
Result('lseabeam','linterp0 linterp1','SideBySideAniso')

# Random realization of white noise
seed = 112018  # CHANGE ME!!!

     noise rep=y seed=%d var=0.02
     ''' % seed)

# Estimate PEF
Flow('pef lag','bin msk',
     hpef maskin=${SOURCES[1]} lag=${TARGETS[1]}
     a=5,3 niter=50

Flow('rand','white pef',
     'helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} div=y')
Plot('rand',grey('REF Pattern'))

Plot('frand',sgrey('PEF Spectrum'))

Result('rand','rand frand','SideBySideAniso')

# Missing data interpolation with PEF

niter=20 # CHANGE ME!!!

for prec in (0,1):
    interp='interp%d' % prec
    Flow(interp,'bin msk pef %s' % program[0],
         ./${SOURCES[3]} prec=%d niter=%d
         mask=${SOURCES[1]} filt=${SOURCES[2]}
         ''' % (prec,niter))
    Plot(interp,grey('%s preconditioning' %
Result('seabeam','interp0 interp1','SideBySideAniso')


Your task:

  1. Change directory to hw5/seabeam
  2. Run
    scons view
    to reproduce the figures on your screen.
  3. Modify the SConstruct file to find the number of iterations required for both methods shown in Figure 8 to achieve similar results.
  4. A method for generating multiple realizations of missing data interpolation is:
    1. Start with a random realization $ \mathbf{m}_0$ such as the one shown in Figure 7.
    2. Instead of estimating $ \mathbf{m}$ such that $ \mathbf{K}\,\mathbf{m} = \mathbf{d}$ , estimate $ \mathbf{x}$ such that

      $\displaystyle \mathbf{K}\,\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{d}- \mathbf{K}\,\mathbf{m_0}\;.

    3. The estimate for $ \mathbf{m}$ is then $ \widehat{\mathbf{m}} = \widehat{\mathbf{x}}+\mathbf{m_0}$ .
    Implement several realizations of missing data interpolation using several realizations of $ \mathbf{m}_0$ . You can do it by modifying either SConstruct or interpolate.c.
  5. Include your results in the paper.

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