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Derivative filters

In this part of the assignment, we will use a digital elevation map of the Mount St. Helens area, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.
Digital elevation map of Mount St. Helens area.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Figure 4 shows a directional derivative, a digital approximation to

\cos{\alpha}\,\frac{\partial}{\partial x_1} + \sin{\alpha}\,\frac{\partial}{\partial x_2}\;,
\end{displaymath} (3)

applied to the data. A directional derivative highlights the structure of the mountain as if illuminating it with a light source.

Figure 4.
Directional derivative of elevation.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Figure 5 shows an application of helical derivative, a filter designed by spectral factorization of the Laplacian filter

L(Z_1,Z_2) = 4 - Z_1 - 1/Z_1 - Z_2 - 1/Z_2\;.
\end{displaymath} (4)

To invert the Laplacian filter, we put on a helix, where it takes the form
L_H(Z) = 4 - Z - Z^{-1} - Z^{N_1} - Z^{-N_1}\;,
\end{displaymath} (5)

and factor it into two minimum-phase parts $L_H(Z) = D(Z)\,D(1/Z)$ using the Wilson-Burg algorithm. The helical derivative $D(Z)$ enhances the image but is not confined to a preferential direction.

Figure 5.
Helix derivative of elevation.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

  1. Change directory to hw2/helix.
  2. Run
    scons view
    to reproduce the figures on your screen.
  3. Edit the SConstruct file. Find the parameter that corresponds to $\alpha$ in equation (3) and try to modify it until you create the most interesting image. After changing the parameter, you can view the result by running
    scons der.view
  4. EXTRA CREDIT for suggesting and implementing a method for finding optimal $\alpha$ automatically.
  5. A more accurate version of the Laplacian filter is
    $\displaystyle \hat{L}_2(Z_1,Z_2) = 20$ $\textstyle -$ $\displaystyle 4\,Z_1 - 4\,Z_1^{-1} - 4\,Z_2 - 4\,Z_2^{-1}$  
        $\displaystyle - Z_1\,Z_2 - Z_1\,Z_2^{-1} - Z_2\,Z_1^{-1} - Z_1^{-1}\,Z_2^{-1}\;.$ (6)

    Modify the SConstruct file to use filter (6) instead of (4).

from rsf.proj import *
import math

# Download data
txt = 'st-helens_after.txt' 
Flow('data.asc',txt,'/usr/bin/tail -n +6')

# Convert to RSF format
     echo in=$SOURCE data_format=ascii_float
     label=Elevation unit=m
     n1=979  o1=557.805  d1=0.010030675 label1=X
     n2=1400 o2=5107.965 d2=0.010035740 label2=Y |
     dd form=native | 
     clip2 lower=0 | lapfill grad=y niter=200 

Result('data','grey title="Digital Elevation Map" allpos=y')

# Vertical and horizontal derivatives
Flow('der2','data','transp | igrad | transp')

ders = []
for alpha in range(0,360,15):
    der = 'der%d' % alpha
    # Directional derivative
    Flow(der,'der1 der2',
         add ${SOURCES[1]} scale=%g,%g
         ''' % (math.cos(alpha*math.pi/180),

     cat axis=3 ${SOURCES[1:%d]} |
     put o3=0 d3=15
     ''' % len(ders))
Plot('ders','grey gainpanel=all wanttitle=n',view=1)

# !!! MODIFY BELOW !!! 

Result('der','der%d' % alpha,
       grey title="Directional Derivative at %gô_" 
       ''' % alpha)

# Laplacian filter on a helix (!!! MODIFY !!!)

     '''echo 1 1000 n1=2 n=1000,1000 
     data_format=ascii_int in=$TARGET 
Flow('slag','slag0.asc','dd form=native')

     '''echo -1 -1 a0=2 n1=2
     lag=$SOURCE in=$TARGET data_format=ascii_float''')
Flow('ss','ss0.asc','dd form=native')

# Wilson-Burg factorization

na=50 # filter length

lags = list(range(1,na+1)) + list(range(1002-na,1002))

     '''echo %s n=1000,1000 n1=%d in=$TARGET 
     ''' % (' '.join([str(x) for x in lags]),2*na))
Flow('alag','alag0.asc','dd form=native')

Flow('hflt hlag','ss alag',
     'wilson lagin=${SOURCES[1]} lagout=${TARGETS[1]}')

# Helical derivative

Flow('helder','data hflt hlag','helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]}')
Result('helder','grey mean=y title="Helical Derivative" ')

def plotfilt(title):
    return '''
    window n1=11 n2=11 f1=50 f2=50 |
    grey wantaxis=n title="%s" pclip=100 
    crowd=0.85 screenratio=1
    ''' % title

# Laplacian impulse response
Flow('spike',None,'spike n1=111 n2=111 k1=56 k2=56')
Flow('imp0','spike ss','helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} adj=0')
Flow('imp1','spike ss','helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} adj=1')
Flow('imp','imp0 imp1','add ${SOURCES[1]}')
Plot('imp',plotfilt('(a) Laplacian'))

# Test factorization
Flow('fac0','imp hflt',
     'helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} adj=0 div=1')
Flow('fac1','imp hflt',
     'helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} adj=1 div=1')
Plot('fac0',plotfilt('(b) Laplacian/Factor'))
Plot('fac1',plotfilt('(c) Laplacian/Factor'))
Flow('fac','fac0 hflt',
     'helicon filt=${SOURCES[1]} adj=1 div=1')
Plot('fac',plotfilt('(d) Laplacian/Factor/Factor'))

Result('laplace','imp fac0 fac1 fac','TwoRows',
       vppen='gridsize=5,5 xsize=11 ysize=11')


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