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Absorbing boundary condition

. One of the easiest absorbing boundary condtion (ABC) is sponge (or referred to as Gaussian taper) boundary condition proposed by [Cerjan et al.(1985)Cerjan, Kosloff, Kosloff, and Reshef]. The principle is very simple: Attenuating the refections exponentially in the extended artificial boundary (Figure 2) area by multiplying a factor less $ d(u)$ than 1, i.e., $ d(u)=\mathrm{exp}(-[\alpha(nb-i)]^2), u=x,z (i\Delta x \; \mathrm{or} \; i\Delta z)$ where $ nb$ is the thickness of the artificial boundary on each side of the model. A usual choice is $ \alpha=0.015$ for $ nb=20\sim30$ absorbing layers. The sponge ABC can be easily applied to a wide range of wave propagation problems, including some governing wave equations for complicated medium.

extbndrwidth=0.6A schematic diagram of extended artificial boundary area. $ A_1A_2A_3A_4$ is the original model zone, which is extended to be $ B_1B_2B_3B_4$ with artificial boundary. In the extended bounary area, the attenuation coeffcient $ d(u)\neq 0$ ; In the model zone $ A_1A_2A_3A_4$ , $ d(u)= 0$ , $ u=x,z$ .

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