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Executing SCons

Now that you have an SConstruct, you can start processing data the Madagascar way. To do so open a terminal and navigate to the local directory where your SConstruct is located. To execute your SConstruct simply run: scons . When you run SCons, it will check to make sure that all necessary dependencies are found and that all of your commands inside the SConstruct are valid. If not, SCons will return an error message showing you where you made a mistake. If everything is OK, then SCons will begin creating your files in the local directory and will output its progress as it executes the Madagascar programs on the command line. For example, running the sample SConstruct from above should show something similar to the following output:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
/opt/rsf/bin/sfspike n1=100 k1=50 > spike.rsf
< spike.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfadd scale=4.0 > spike1.rsf
< spike1.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfnoise > noise.rsf
< spike.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfgraph title="spike" > spike.vpl
< spike1.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfgraph title="spike1" > spike1.vpl
< noise.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfgraph title="noisy" > noise.vpl
< noise.rsf /opt/rsf/bin/sfgraph title="noisy" pclip=75 > Fig/noise.vpl
scons: done building targets.

If the execution of scons ends with, "scons: done building targets" then the script completed successfully. Check your local directory for your output files.
