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The primary purpose of this short paper is to illustrate the use of IWAVE to calculate synthetic seismograms. IWAVE is built around a core framework, that is, a collection of separate software packages which together provide a set of essential services upon which applications may be built, and which completely define the interfaces to which additional software must be written to formulate a complete application. Along with the core framework, the current release contains a complete time-domain acoustic modeling application, as well as a basic isotropic elastodynamics application. The demonstrations discussed here are based on the acoustic modeling application.

All IWAVE applications are parameter-driven: that is, they accept as input a file defining a map or associative array, consisting of a list of key = value pairs. The demo directories described in this paper contain one or more such parameter (``par'') files, always signified by the suffix ``.par''. Each file defines a modeling task. By perusing these par files and examining the simulation output, the user can quickly gain an appreciation of scope of IWAVE's capabilities.

A secondary purpose is to supply the user with the means to independently verify some of the claims in the paper by Symes and Vdovina (2009), in which the examples were generated using an earlier version of the same software.

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