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Abma, R., Q. Zhang, A. Arogunmati, and G. Beaudoin, 2012, An overview of BP’s marine independent simultaneous source field trials: 82nd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1404.1.

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Berkhout, A. J., 2008, Changing the mindset in seismic data acquisition: The Leading Edge, 27, 924-938.

Chen, Y., S. Fomel, and J. Hu, 2014, Iterative deblending of simultaneous-source seismic data using seislet-domain shaping regularization: Geophysics, 79, V179-V189.

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Dai, W., and G. T. Schuster, 2011, Least-squares migration of multisource data with a deblurring filter: Geophysics, 76, R135-R146.

Doulgeris, P., and K. Bube, 2012, Analysis of a coherency-constrained inversion for the separateion of blended data: discovering the leakage subspace: 74th Annual International Conference and Exhibition, EAGE, Extended Abstracts.

Doulgeris, P., K. Bube, G. Hampson, and G. Blacquiere, 2012, Covergence analysis of a coherency-constrained inversion for the separation of blended data: Geophysical Prospecting, 60, 769-781.

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Jiang, Z., and R. Abma, 2010, An analysis on the simultaneous imaging of simultaneous source data: 80st Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 3115-3118.

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Mahdad, A., P. Doulgeris, and G. Blacquiere, 2011, Separation of blended data by iterative estimation and subtraction of blending interference noise: Geophysics, 76, Q9-Q17.

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Moore, I., B. Dragoset, T. Ommundsen, D. Wilson, C. Ward, and D. Eke, 2008, Simultaneous source separation using dithered sources: 78th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 2806-2809.

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