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Creating reproducible documentation

You are done with computational experiments and want to communicate them in a paper. SCons helps us create high-quality papers, where computational results (figures) are integrated with papers written in LATEXThe corresponding SCons extension is defined in $RSFROOT/lib/ where RSFROOT is the environmental variable to the Madagascar installation directory. The source of this file is in python/ We summarize the basic methods and commands in Tables 3 and 4.

A rule to compile $<$paper_name$>$.tex LATEX document using the LATEX2e class specified in lclass (default is geophysics.cls from the SEGTeX package) with additional options specified in options, additional packages specified in use, and additional preamble specified in include
A rule to collect default targets (referring to paper.tex document).

Table 3. Basic methods of an rsf.tex object.

Generate the default target (usually the PDF file paper.pdf from the source LATEX file paper.tex.)
scons pdf or scons $<$paper_name$>$.pdf
Generate PDF files from LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex.
scons read or scons $<$paper_name$>$.read
Generate PDF files from LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex and display them on the screen.
scons print or scons $<$paper_name$>$.print
Generate PDF files from LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex and print them.
scons html or scons $<$paper_name$>$.html
Generate HTML files from LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex using LATEXtoHTML. The directory $<$paper_name$>$_html gets created.
scons install or scons $<$paper_name$>$.install
Generate PDF and HTML files from LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex and install them in a separate location (used for publishing on a web site).
scons wiki or scons $<$paper_name$>$.wiki
Convert LATEX sources paper.tex or $<$paper_name$>$.tex to the MediaWiki format (used for publishing on a Wiki web site).

Table 4. SCons commands defined in rsf.tex.

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