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This section familiarizes the reader with some basic commands and file format of Madagascar. From the command line, the most straightforward way to search for a functionality is through the use of:
bash$ sfdoc -k "keyword"
Madagascar command typed without any argument gives the documentation of that command. For example, try typing the following in the command line
bash$ sfspike
Madagascar programs can be piped and executed from the command line, for example:
bash$ sfspike n1=1000 k1=300 | sfbandpass fhi=2 phase=1 | \
sfwiggle pclip=100 title="\s200 Welcome to \c2 RSF" | sfpen
creates a minimum phase wavelet.

To convert the command line arguments into a SCons script, first create a file named "SConstruct" using your favorite text editor. Start it with a line

from rsf.proj import *
and end it with
The two lines above are essential components of a SCons script. It can be executed by running
bash$ scons
under the current directory, but nothing would happen since we have not included any commands. To convert the command line arguments we just used into the SCons script, add the following two lines before the End() argument:
Flow('min',None,'spike n1=1000 k1=300 | bandpass fhi=2 phase=1 ')
Result('min','min','wiggle pclip=100 title="\s200 Welcome to \c2 RSF" ')
The result can be viewed by running
bash$ scons view

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