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sfconjgrad: Generic conjugate-gradient solver for linear inversion

sfconjgrad < dat.rsf mod=mod.rsf > to.rsf < from.rsf > out.rsf niter=1

file mod= auxiliary input file name
int niter=1 number of iterations

sfconjgrad is a generic program for least-squares linear inversion with the conjugate-gradient method. Suppose you have an executable program <prog> that takes an RSF file from the standard input and produces an RSF file in the standard output. It may take any number of additional parameters but one of them must be adj= that sets the forward (adj=0) or adjoint (adj=1) operations. The program <prog> is typically an RSF program but it could be anything (a script, a multiprocessor MPI program, etc.) as long as it implements a linear operator $ \mathbf{L}$ and its adjoint. There are no restrictions on the data size or shape. You can easily test the adjointness with sfdottest. The sfconjgrad program searches for a vector $ \mathbf{m}$ that minimizes the least-square misfit $ \Vert\mathbf{d - L m}\Vert^2$ for the given input data vector $ \mathbf{d}$ .

Here is an example. The sfhelicon program implements Claerbout's multidimensional helical filtering (Claerbout, 1998). It requires a filter to be specified in addition to the input and output vectors. We create a helical 2-D filter using the Unix echo command.

bash$ echo 1 19 20 n1=3 n=20,20 data_format=ascii_int in=lag.rsf > lag.rsf
bash$ echo 1 1 1 a0=-3 n1=3 data_format=ascii_float in=flt.rsf > flt.rsf
Next, we create an example 2-D model and data vector with sfspike.
bash$ sfspike n1=50 n2=50 > vec.rsf
The sfdottest program can perform the dot product test to check that the adjoint mode works correctly.
bash$ sfdottest sfhelicon filt=flt.rsf lag=lag.rsf \
mod=vec.rsf dat=vec.rsf
sfdottest:  L[m]*d=5.28394
sfdottest: L'[d]*m=5.28394
Your numbers may be different because sfdottest generates new random input on each run. Next, let us make some random data with sfnoise.
bash$ sfnoise seed=2005 rep=y < vec.rsf > dat.rsf
and try to invert the filtering operation using sfconjgrad:
bash$ sfconjgrad sfhelicon filt=flt.rsf lag=lag.rsf \
mod=vec.rsf < dat.rsf > mod.rsf niter=10
sfconjgrad: iter 1 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=3253.65
sfconjgrad: iter 2 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=289.421
sfconjgrad: iter 3 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=92.3481
sfconjgrad: iter 4 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=36.9417
sfconjgrad: iter 5 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=18.7228
sfconjgrad: iter 6 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=11.1794
sfconjgrad: iter 7 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=7.26941
sfconjgrad: iter 8 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=5.15945
sfconjgrad: iter 9 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=4.23055
sfconjgrad: iter 10 of 10
sfconjgrad: grad=3.57495
The output shows that, in 10 iterations, the norm of the gradient vector decreases by almost 1000. We can check the residual misfit before
bash$ < dat.rsf sfattr want=norm
norm value = 49.7801
and after
bash$ sfhelicon filt=flt.rsf lag=lag.rsf < mod.rsf | \
sfadd scale=1,-1 dat.rsf | sfattr want=norm
norm value = 5.73563
In 10 iterations, the misfit decreased by an order of magnitude. The result can be improved by running the program for more iterations.

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