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1-D seislet transform

The prediction and update operators employed in the lifting scheme can be understood as digital filters. In the $Z$-transform notation, the Haar prediction filter from equation 3 is

P(Z) = Z
\end{displaymath} (8)

(shifting each sample by one), and the linear interpolation filter from equation 4 is
P(Z) = 1/2\,(1/Z+Z)\;.
\end{displaymath} (9)

These predictions are appropriate for smooth signals but may not be optimal for a sinusoidal signal. In comparison, the prediction
P(Z) = Z/Z_0\;,
\end{displaymath} (10)

where $Z_0 = e^{i\,\omega_0 \Delta t}$, perfectly characterizes a sinusoid with $\omega_0$ circular frequency sampled on a $\Delta t$ grid. In other words, if a constant signal ($\omega_0=0$) is perfectly predicted by shifting each trace to its neighbor, a sinusoidal signal ($\omega_0\ne0$) requires the shift to be modulated by an appropriate frequency. Likewise, the linear interpolation in equation 9 needs to be replaced by a filter tuned to a particular frequency in order to predict a sinusoidal signal with that frequency perfectly:
P(Z) = 1/2\,(Z_0/Z+Z/Z_0)\;.
\end{displaymath} (11)

The analysis easily extends to higher-order filters.

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