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Finite Difference Model Shotpoints, Model and subtract the direct arrivals

The wave equation program sfmodeling2d (Yang, 2014) is used to create 10 synthetic shot records using the slightly smoothed Marmousi model. One synthetic shotpoint is shown in Figure 4. We also ran sfmodeling2d with a constant velocity to model the direct arrivals. The direct arrivals were subtracted from the synthetic and shown in Figure 5

These figures and some others can be created with the command:

scons shots.view shot2500.view mutearr.view mutearr2500.view

Figure 4.
Shotpoint at x=2500 computed with acoustic finite difference.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

Figure 5.
Shotpoint at x=2500 after subtracting the modelled direct arrivals.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

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