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The Marmousi model was created in 1988 by the Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) in 1988. The geometry of this model is based on a profile through the North Quenguela trough in the Cuanza basin. The geometry and velocity model were created to produce complex seismic data which require advanced processing techniques to obtain a correct earth image. The Marmousi dataset was used for the workshop on practical aspects of seismic data inversion at the 52nd EAEG meeting in 1990.

Since its inception in 1990 Marmousi has come be a sort of industry standard and almost classic dataset. The Madagascar repository contains the Marmousi files shown in Table 1.

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       610095 2005-04-20 07:34 marmsmooth.HH
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root     66909210 2005-04-20 07:34 marmrefl.hh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      6913301 2005-04-20 07:34 marmvel.hh
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       754664 2005-04-20 07:34 marmousi.HH
-rw-r-r-    1 root     root       708382 2006-05-19 06:19 marmvz.HH
-rw-r-r-    1 root     root       708382 2006-05-19 06:19 marmvx.HH
-rw-r-r-    1 root     root       708200 2006-05-19 06:19 marmeta.HH

Table 1. A list of all files contained in the Marmousi repository

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