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This model is a 2D subset of a 3D model, however the model does not vary perpendicularly to this line. The velocity model is 22 km across and 4 km in depth.

The velmodel.hh file did not need to be updated appreciably in this example. However, the appropriate header settings are found in table 2. Datums were spread every 12.5 meters to produce a 22km by 4 km grid.

  n1=321 d1=0.0125 o1=0 label1=Depth unit1=km  
  n2=1761 d2=0.0125 o2=0 label2=Position unit2=km  

Table 2. Amoco unsmoothed velocity model header information

A python SConstruct script that fetches the data sets, appends the header slightly and plots the velocity model can be found in Table 3. An image of the velocity profile is found in Figure 1.

from rsf.proj import *
import fdmod

# Fetch Files from repository
# Convert Files to RSF
Flow('velsmooth','velsmooth.HH', '''dd form=native | put
    unit1=km unit2=km label1=Depth Z label2=Position title=Velocity Model''')

Flow('velmodel','velmodel.hh', '''dd form=native | scale rscale=.001 | put
    unit1=km unit2=km label1=Depth Z label2=Position title=Velocity Model  

       grey  scalebar=y barreverse=y
       color=j allpos=y bias=1.9
       screenwd=8.8 screenht=1.6
       barlabel=" " barunit=km/s
       title="Amoco Velocity Model" 
       labelsz=4 titlesz=6


Table 3. Scons script that generates RSF formatted Amoco velocity model

Typing Command 1 within the amocomodel directory runs the script.

\texttt{bash-3.1\$\ scons\ view} \end{displaymath} (1)

Figure 1.
Amoco velocity model.
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