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Shot record velocity filter

I applied velocity filtering (sudipfilt) to remove the ground roll. I processed the receivers leading the shotpoint separately from the trailing receivers (i.e. I split the shots). I decided to split the shots so that I could use an asymmetrical dip filter (-15,5 ms/trace). That dip filter is similar to the 1981 processing that used (-12,4). Sudipfilter was intended for post stack processing, so I wrote the script to loop over the shots and divide individual shotrecords into positive and negative offsets. Figure 7 shows the Figure 4 shotpoint with velocity filtering applied.

The command:

scons velfiltrec24.view
or using the tar file:
applies velocity filtering and produces the figure.

Figure 7.
The 24th shot record after agc and velocity filter.
[pdf] [png] [scons]

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