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I have provided a set of scripts for processing a land line using Seismic Unix. These scripts include the following processing stages:
  1. Data load
  2. Trace header creation
  3. Velocity filtering
  4. CDP gather
  5. Brute velocity analysis
  6. First pass residual statics
  7. Final velocity analysis
  8. Second pass residual statics
  9. Stack
  10. Post stack Kirchhoff time migration
  11. Post stack phase shift migration

My processing demonstrates processing stages not presented by Forel or Stockwell. The results can be recreated by others since the processing scripts and the data can be downloaded from the Internet.

The task of loading trace headers is not addressed in other publications. The custom Python program included in this paper is one way to accomplish this processing stage. The velocity analysis script improves the scripts in Forel's book. I was able to pick the velocities on this line using the script.

Some of the ideas I have to continue this work include:

  1. Improve results by selecting different SU programs or different parameters.
  2. Process using other software (open-source or proprietary).
  3. Working on different datasets (marine, 3D, ...).
  4. Contribute source improvements back to SU.

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