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First Pass Residual Statics and Second Pass Velocity Analysis

The command:
scons rstack.view
Will create a stack with residual statics and a detailed velocity analysis by the following steps:
  1. Read the gathers created in the brute stack section
  2. Band pass filter, select a time window, and up sample to 1 ms
  3. Compute residual statics
  4. Reread the gathers created in the brute stack section
  5. Apply the residual statics
  6. Remove moveout with the single velocity function
  7. Second pass velocity estimation every 48 cdps (2640 ft)
  8. Normal moveout correction with the second pass velocity field
  9. Stack

The residual statics stack is shown in Figure 11. A zoom plot can be produce with the command:

scons zoomrstack.view

Figure 11.
Stack with first pass residual statics and a lateral variable stacking velocity field.
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The lateral variable stacking velocity field shown in Figure 12 can be created with the command:

scons vfile.view

Figure 12.
The lateral variable stacking velocity field interpreted after residual statics.
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